The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  150

Power As Knowledge


January 11, 2024

It takes knowledge to acquire knowledge and know what knowledge is. Corrupters get everything wrong about knowledge. They assume they acquire knowledge when they acquire power.

"Winners" assume power is truth, knowledge and justice. The social concept of what a winner is originates with the need of incompetents to do a correction on being losers. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose in life was to be a winner and rationality was for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims.

What incompetent losers assume to be a fix for their problem is to prevail against other persons through domination. Domination makes them feel superior. Being superior they must certainly have more knowledge and be more truthful and produce more justice. Otherwise, they wouldn't be superior. He who prevails must certainly be producing more truth, knowledge and justice.

Yet the reason why they are incompetent losers is because of their lack of knowledge. It takes knowledge to know what an absence of knowledge is. Not knowing creates the bliss of ignorance.

The net effect is that incompetents who lack knowledge redefine purpose and values around prevailing and assume prevailing is the highest standard. But to prevail requires degradation. It's a substitute to building themselves up that requires tearing others down.

So of course a concept is acquired that tearing other persons down is a sign of superior capabilities, which would obviously include more knowledge.

The test of the superior knowledge is in the lack of inhibition in tearing other persons down. It's supposedly a degree of realism that superior persons know and lesser persons don't know. Reagan and followers came as close as possible to saying so without directly saying so. They were certain that superior persons know you have to tear down the misfits to prevent social deterioration from occurring.

The Nazis expressed that ethic quite directly; so the surrounding indicators show what it means. The Nazis said, you have to get rid of the worthless eaters to maintain a higher social state and preserve a fake Arian race.

That mentality jumps out in the war against the lower classes. No logic can be explained for the war against the lower classes; yet the result is imposed onto society with a lot of determination.

Fake logic as rationalizations show the motive. Conservatives claim their purpose is to balance the budget by not only stripping social programs from government but running the lower classes into a pit of deprivation. Homelessness is artificially created, when the problems would be easier to solve than to tolerate.

Squandering money as the excuse for depravity is one of the most simple-minded and standard methods of oppressors fighting their war against vulnerable persons. They squander wantonly to generate the excuse. During Trump years, about three trillion tax dollars were dumped onto corporations which had no use for the money, so the need to cut social programs could be rationalized later. That mechanism was churned out every few years since the Reaganites acquired power in 1981.

A fake line of logic was called "supply side economics." It was supposed to mean that pouring money into corporations would increase their supply of products and improve the economy, as if corporations could not produce enough products without government assistance and they would over-produce with government money. But all they can do with the excess tax dollars is pour them into the stock market as stock buy-backs, which creates the "irrational exuberance" of the stock market. Stock buy-backs used be illegal due to that subterfuge; but those laws were thrown out with so-called deregulation due to government being the problem, as Reagan claimed.

Back at the starting point is fake knowledge making oppressor superior persons, which generates the driving force for destroying vulnerable persons as misfits. Corruption is that way. Corruption is built on top of corruption trying to make sin pay while never succeeding. But instead of the futility proving corrupters wrong, the assumption is that enemies are preventing the wisdom from succeeding, so the enemies must be destroyed. The enemies are sympathizers with the lower classes which are assume to be some variation of communists.

Homelessness Is Artificially Created

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