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Power As Social Mechanism

January 31, 2024

Incompetent power mongers get a lot wrong. They assume power is the mechanism for making social structures work. If so, powerlessness must be the problem. Bigotry is based on that assumption—the assumption that power is virtue and powerlessness is corruption.

Power looks like the answer to everything, when missing realities shape incompetence. Power is blissful. It replaces the difficult work required in applying rationality to constructivity. The escape from constructivity looks like the source of constructivity.

But since it isn't, no small amount of conflict is required to make it so. If power is the answer, it would seem that the focus should be on power to make it do what is expected of it; but that isn't what happens. Instead, the focus is on powerless persons in supposedly dragging down the social order, as if eliminating everything but power would solve all problems.

That's because the bliss of power creates the assumption that power is wizardry. Wizardry means the solutions to everything come out of nowhere and only powerlessness can be the cause of problems.

The assumed solution is to get rid of the misfits. That means shoving the misfits out of the social order, as in homelessness, or gassing the worthless eaters, as in Nazism.

You wouldn't think power mongers need to be picking on vulnerable persons at the bottom of society. Power mongers do that assuming they are correcting the social order. To them, there has to be some mysterious reasons why mongering power isn't solving everyone's problems; and the cause could only be powerlessness, since power is assumed to be the answer to everything.

Power replaces evaluation, where power structures replace social structures. All social structures have been replaced with power structures, as fascism replaced rationality over the past several decades.

That's because weak-minded persons were convinced by the Reaganites that being a winner is the purpose in life. Being a winner replaces rationality with corruption.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose of life and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explanation of claims.

Winners assume that power is truth, knowledge and justice; so they turn the social order over to frauds as the supposed answer to everything. That's why fake science and technology are being used to destroy energy and transportation systems. When real scientists try to correct the problems, they are shoved out of science.

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