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Replacing Rational Existence


October 18, 2020

Corrupters are trying to replace rational existence with arbitrary whim. They can never win where there is rational existence, while winning must serve as their test of worth.

There cannot be two alternatives in competition with each other for corrupters, because they can never produce a competitive alternative. So they have to eradicate rational existence as a precondition for their dominance.

But they don't just put everything on hold until there is no more rationality in their way. Instead, they operate by a standard devoid of rationality. They obliterate rationality in small bits to clear the area around their purposes.
Obliterating rationality around a purpose is primarily achieved by lying. But lying with that purpose is much more extreme than lying with other purposes. Such lying doesn't look like normal lying. The purpose of such lying is not visible, because the purpose is indirect—it's removing realities from the area rather than the usual purpose of reshaping realities.

That concept is not accounted for in countering the lies. Trying to prove that the lie isn't true (fact checking) is assuming that the purpose of the lie is to create an alternative reality. It's the absence of reality that is the purpose; so whim can replace reality.

Keeping track of Trump's lies, as journalists do with fact checking, assumes a reality element and purpose in the lies. There is no attempt to be credible in Trump's lying, which shows that obliterating rationality is his purpose, not trying to convince someone of something.

Removing real reality from the subject allows a reconstructed state of existence. The reconstructed state is more absurd than fiction. Fiction is a reflection upon real reality (objective, unified reality). The reconstructed reality is not supposed to have any relationship to real reality.

The only set of relationships that the corrupters of corrupters want is subservience. All real reality gets in the way.

Subservience includes fantasy and rationalizing, as long as there is no reflection upon rational existence. The required fantasy is the pretense of how great the dominators (lords over lesser persons) are. The greatness is supposed to include pretended knowledge and rightness (never to be called truthfulness) and the pretended solution to all problems.

The rationalizing that the corrupters of corrupters do is very peculiar. It's not like normal rationalizing, where others are supposed to be convinced of something. Instead, it is gimmick oriented rationalizing.

The way the gimmick works is to use words which convey a positive connotation to the corruption being rationalize. A positive connotation can be totally unreal. In fact, it will always be the opposite of truth. What is rationalizing which is the opposite of truth? Only the corrupters of corrupters would know. It defies human concepts.

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