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What Truimp's Base Is

October 19, 2020

There is a group of insecure persons who feel that they are being left out wherever they see rationality. It's the reason why some evangelicals prefer half-gospel to full-gospel.

It seems strange that Christians would find so much compatibility with Trump, the antithesis to Christianity; but the common thread is the insecurity over rationality. The insecure persons find the alternative they are looking for in half-gospel and Trumpism. Half-gospel means to omit Christ's teaching. Christ taught rationality. Trump creates an alternative to rationality. See the link? Alternative to rationality and omitting rationality?

Such persons cross each bridge when they get to it. Rational persons do not; they make sure they know where each bridge is going from the beginning.

So the first thing such insecure persons do is find someone who is on their side. Trump meets the requirements. If then Trump fails to turn lead into gold, the first bridge remains crossed. There is no starting over. Trump has to be the answer, whether he fails of not.

Trump doesn't fail insecure persons by methodology. If then he fails by result; the result is in the eye of the beholder. Whether the economy is the best there has ever been or a total disaster is in the eye of the beholder to Trump's followers. Seeing something of value in total disaster isn't a lie to such persons, because they see forward motion in the methodology.

The methodology is to strip rationality from existence. That means no social structures including a government based on laws which must be applied equally to everyone. It's either government for conservatives only or no government at all. That's the methodology of Trumpism.

This is why nothing changes with Trump's base. It's not the result that counts but the method that is used to get there. Trump uses the method that his insecure followers need as the alternative to rationality.

The method is to align upon the concerns of the persons. Concerns are highly varied. That's why only the concerns of the group can be considered. Other concerns are not the same.

The group must be homogeneous to eliminate conflicting concerns. Homogeneous means worship of the ruler as the unifying influence. Without the ruler as the reference, concerns get varied and conflicting. Seems strange to Trumpers that lesser persons cannot figure that out.

Basket of what? Too bad Hilary didn't splain that further.

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