The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  133

The Self-Centeredness Of Corruption


September 29, 2023

All corruption is a shift away from the good-of-all and toward self-centeredness. Corrupters can't imagine why anyone would have any other purpose in existence than enhancing one's own interests. They often frame their motives in such terms—questioning what benefit to themselves anything is.

In doing that, corrupters put themselves in conflict with everyone else. Then they expect everyone else to promote their interests. Do you see the stupidity? Stupidity is evident in everything corrupters do.

The reason why corrupters are self-centered is because they find that they become losers when constructivity is the purpose. They are incompetent in meeting the difficult challenges of handling complex realities. So they shortcut the process by aligning upon themselves, which is extreme simplicity.

What rational persons do is promote self along with everyone else. Take away everyone else, and the result is self only. The good of everyone else doesn't occur by accident; so ignoring everyone else's interests creates conflict with everyone else's interests.

What happens when corrupters acquire power with such a self-centered purpose? A whole lot of things don't get done properly. All complexities of existence are flushed down the drain by the simplicity of self-centeredness.

The purpose of self-centeredness is to be winners where the demands of life make corrupters losers. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed being a winner is the purpose of life and rationality is for fools. The most visible element of rationality is to explain claims.

It shows that being winners is a disconnect from the demands of life in solving problems. Where is life supposed to come from, when winning is a disconnect from the demands of life? It's another example of the stupidity of corruption.

Corruption is emptiness due to the disconnect from complexities. That means corrupters are not solving problems. Who then does? It's strange that corrupters assume everything takes care of itself, while they do nothing but build themselves up. The stupidity jumps out at people.

Here's a quote that shows the thought process of corrupters:

October 17, 2004, New York Times Magazine article by writer Ron Suskind, quoting an unnamed aide to George W. Bush:

The aide said that guys like me were "in what we call the reality-based community," which he defined as people who "believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality." ... "That's not the way the world really works anymore," he continued. "We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality—judiciously, as you will—we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do."

The person was saying that when his bunch acquires enough power, they can defy reality in addition to everyone else; and that state was some sort of godly superiority over everyone else.

What happens when problems don't get solved? Fascism takes form and pushes toward Nazism. That's what we see happening. Corrupters are doing nothing to solve problems and everything to create problems. The result is the socialization of corruption, which is fascism.

One of the consequences of self-centeredness is lawlessness. Laws are good-of-all products. Self-centered persons despise good-of-all, which results in despising the laws created through valid government. So they try to replace laws with self-oriented motives. They try to use government as their personal club to beat down opponents with no regard for real laws.

A preposterous example is Trump followers trying to change election results through hook and crook. They try to get their way in contempt for laws. They show their contempt for laws that get in their way, while one of the purposes of laws is to prevent corrupters from imposing their destructiveness onto everyone.

Another preposterous example is the attempt to impeach Biden in retaliation for Trump being impeached. Retaliation is not a part of valid laws. Then scandalizing Biden's kid (Hunter Biden) is supposed to condemn President Biden in contempt for logic and laws. Then a fishing expedition in Congress is supposed to find criminality in Biden, while fishing expeditions are a contempt for the required purposes of Congress.

What we see is fascism replacing ordered existence taking the form of contempt for existing laws. Corrupters seem to actually believe that laws getting in their way are not valid laws. They seem to believe that laws should have the purpose of promoting the motives of corrupters. They don't know that nothing can be aligned upon each person differently.

Which corrupter is supposed to prevail? Corrupters don't know that each corrupter is going to have different purposes, because they don't know what exists beyond themselves.

Demagoguery occurs when corrupters see someone as corrupt as themselves acquiring power. It tells them that corruption is the path to success. So demagogues try to show that corruption is the path to success. Then all contradictions are ignored in the attempts to monger power through corruption. All wrongs become rights in enhancing the power of corrupters.

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