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The Social Deterioration Of Fascism


Understanding Fascism 

August 5, 2022

Fascism is the socialization of corruption. It was caused by decades of throwing out laws and dismantling government following the conservative drive instituted by Reaganism. The result is intractable social deterioration.

Fascists try to exploit wantonness. They turn everything into rubble and expect society to pay exorbitantly for the results. They are bankrupting the social order.

Student debt is an example. When government assistance to students began during the 1960s, the standards were designed to reduce the burdens to manageable level by keeping interest rates low. But conservatives said private enterprise was being deprived of revenue and all caution must be thrown to the wind in allowing anything-goes. Anything-goes created an unpayable student debt of $1.7 trillion with interest at 8% compounded annually. No one who needs to borrow money can pay 8% compounded annually; and there is a fascist drive to increase the amount to 13%. (Article On Student Loans)

Through wantonness, power mongers drew the money supply out of the lower classes and poured it into gambling including the stock market and crypto currencies. The lower classes were not allowed to recover the losses with increased wages which would keep up with inflation, while housing, health care and education costs ballooned exponentially.

Fascists are nonfunctional. As they turn the social order into rubble, they expect others to pay for the result. Fake science and technology are examples. Government assistance is demanded to make up the difference between cost and results, while resources are depleting and manufacturing is becoming impossible.

One of the hallmarks of fascism is the need to glamorize corruption. The more ridiculous the corruption, the more it depends upon glamor as a sales pitch. That's why fraud physics is forever being glamorized by pretending to do impossible stunts, such as measuring gravity waves, putting a helicopter on Mars of using space telescopes.

Extending outward from the fake physics is fake technology such as renewable energy, as if renewable meant unlimited energy with no harm to the environment. Carbon free is the catchword, as if there were no resources destroyed, energy consumed or environmental destruction to the process.

As fascism approaches its end-point in Nazism, the obvious ruination is blamed on the victims who supposedly stood in the way of progress in creating the Aryan race. (Article On Student Loans)

Understanding Fascism

Technically, fascism is corrupters dismantling social structures and government in their attempt to prevent impositions upon themselves. They assume anarchy and chaos to be the answer to everything. They would never use those terms, as they use positive terms for themselves and negative terms for opponents.

What terms do corrupters use for fascism? None. The whole concept is too abstract for them and applying any negative terminology to their corruption is assumed to be uncalled-for hostility.

Corrupters assume they are striving for the only true state of existence in the face of opponents who foolishly created a failing path in life based on altruism which can never succeed.

One of the primary, underlying principles of corrupters' assumed true path is that there must be a loser for every winner (zero sum) and to think it should be someone other than self that does the winning is a loser's bit of stupidity.

Notice that endless amounts of philosophy and morality explain the fallacies of that assumption; but corrupters missed it all and act out their assumption without evaluation. In other words, the extreme superficiality of corrupters results in assumptions that do not take into account the large amount of abstract knowledge which explains the complexities of life.

Corrupters are simple-minded and self-centered. Having no understanding of complexities, they focus upon themselves and try to put themselves above everyone else.

There is an assumption of innate superiority in the self-centeredness of corrupters. That assumption of superiority (with no understanding of abstract complexities) is the basis of their white racism, which is a central focus of their political cause.

The self-centeredness and assumption of superiority of corrupters causes them to pull everything of value toward themselves and away from opponents. The result is not only racism and nationalism but a war against the lower classes, when power is involved. With power, the lower classes are among the "others" who are assumed to be in competition for the acquisitiveness that replaces ordered existence for corrupters.

Their simple-mindedness results in corrupters having no concept of the consequences of dismantling ordered existence and fighting a war against all persons viewed as "others." With no awareness of such complexities, the simplicity of self-serving strife appears to be the only logical state of existence. That means corrupters are extremely self-righteous in their attack upon ordered existence.

The self-righteousness of reducing existence to ultra-simplicity shows up in the political sloganeering of corrupters. They use "patriotism" and "freedom" as rallying cries for the totalitarian dictatorship of Nazism. They don't have a clue what totalitarian Nazism is. To them, those subjects are nothing but nonsense taught by elites. Yet their path is the essence of totalitarian Nazism.

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy, because truth is aligned upon the laws of the universe. But truth consists of words. So corrupters tell themselves that their opponents are using words in an invalid manner to create trouble and therefore, it's the actions, not words, that count.

For that reason, corrupters act out their corruptions and use words as weapons with contempt for objective meaning. Lying is a virtue to corrupters, because it defeats the enemies who use words against them.

Article On Oppressive Education

Article On Opposition To Welfare

Article On Student Loans

Article On Election Fraud

The March To Fascism

The Nature Of Fascism

Why Nazism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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