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Stock Market Fraud

About three trillion tax dollars went to corporations during Trump years. It went straight into the stock market in addition to the usual "mergers and acquisitions" which go into the stock market.

November 5, 2020

Journalists focus on the stock market to indicate economic activity. There is no real relationship.

Even more absurd, they pretend that Trump created a "strong economy" presumably based on his claim that the stock market would be the measure of his economic success, while he destroyed the economy through tariffs and combativeness before the pandemic. The "dead cat bounce" during the pandemic was used by Trump to claim that he created the greatest economic improvement ever, while journalists promote the fraud instead of correct it.

The stock market disconnected from the rest of the economy about twenty years ago, when Alan Greenspan called it "irrational exuberance." Gambling is irrational exuberance. The stock market is nothing but a gambling casino anymore.

As a gambling casino, the stock market increases in an irrational manner, as gamblers bet against each other. This mechanism is how auctions occur. He who bids the highest price gets the object. Same with the stock market. It jacks up prices the same way auctions do.

Crypto currencies show the same effect. They go through the roof for no other reason than buying and selling so-called crypto currencies is another gambling casino. What else could they be? They certainly aren't anything resembling currencies.

The stock market has no more of a relationship to the economy than crypto currencies have.

Gambling casinos are going wild everywhere for one simple reason: Conservatives spent the past forty years ripping off the public and sending the money upward. All that money at the top goes through gambling casinos as a redistribution procedure.

So Trump uses the result as a measure of his economic improvements. There is no relationship. He could never get by with such fraud without journalists promoting it. They use the stock market as their first indication of economic activity.

Journalists made Trump what he is. A moldy stick could replace Trump; and nothing would change. So why is Trump perpetually bitching about journalists? Partly as flack—to cover the truth with the opposite. And partly because totalitarians need 100% backing; the slightest opposition is not tolerable, because truth evolves through interacting complexities.

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