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The Stupidity Of Space Travel

December 10, 2023

Incompetent power mongers assume they are going to rip everyone off and party forever. They also assume they are going to travel around the universe to do it. They don't have the slightest ability to evaluate either one—exploitation or technology.

One might assume power mongers are the lords of technology, since complex technology is the pre-occupation of society. But it is the other way around. The lords of technology spend trillions of dollars on fantasy junk, because they know nothing about technology.

If the incompetents knew anything about technology, they would be solving social problems instead of creating them, because waste, fraud and abuse do not produce complex technology. Steve Jobs could only create the smart phone because he only had a few months of college, which gave him the freedom to do what he knew had to be done. He was kicked out of the company which he created, until it went bankrupt and let him back in.

It shows that the power mongers are clueless. But more than that, it takes a lot of hands and resources to produce complex technology. Starvation and disease don't get there. Incompetents don't know that. They assume they can extract what they get by promoting starvation and disease.

With that amount of stupidity, power mongers don't have a clue why technology is not going to allow them to travel in space. So here is what the physics problem consists of:

The first problem with space travel is that there is not enough energy in hydrogen and oxygen to be doing anything significant in space. The Space Shuttle showed that problem. Space ShuttleIt required huge tanks of liquid energy which dwarfed the Shuttle plus two solid fuel rockets on the sides, just to get into near-Earth orbit.

A rocket has to use energy to move the energy that it uses. That means there is an upper limit for the amount of hydrogen and oxygen that can be lifted off from the planet. The Space Shuttle was approximately at the upper limit for the amount of fuel that can lift itself from the gravity of the planet.

So engineers have another concept, which is to park some energy in space and tap into it later. That gives them a little extra distance; but taking away Earth's gravity only reduces one problem. Acceleration creates the same force as gravity. So acceleration in space is limited to a force about like lifting off from plant Earth.

Then the same amount of energy is required to stop motion in space as to create motion in space. So only half of the available energy can be used for forward acceleration, because half of the energy must be used for deceleration.

Adding the amounts up means, if energy is parked in space, a spacecraft similar to the Space Shuttle could use fifty percent as much energy as the Space Shuttle used for acceleration in space and use the other fifty percent for decelerating in space. That amount of acceleration would get to the edge of the solar system in several years; but then there would be no getting back. In fact, those dynamics make going to Mars a ridiculous joke by incompetents.

So there have been studies of nuclear energy for space travel. No advantage can be produced for nuclear energy, because the three directional force cannot be converted into linear force. So the studies tried to use the heat of nuclear energy instead of the direct force to create linear motion. So much contraption was required that nothing was gained for large-scale use.

Why then is the U.S. government talking about going to Mars and using the Moon as a stop-off point? Only because incompetent power mongers have taken over the social structures so totally that they tell the government what sort of insanity it is supposed to produce.

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