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Two Underlying Paths

October 29, 2020

Increased political polarization is assumed to be highly significant, but it goes unexplained. The explanation is in two underlying paths.

The difference between Democrats and Republicans used to be political and more superficial than the present difference between liberals and conservatives.

The inability to resolve differences is in a murkiness that allows forces to develop in an unaccountable manner. In that murkiness is a corruptive influence that does not get corrected.

The underlying corruptive influence takes a lot of words to describe—something journalists will never attempt to do. Describing to create accountability is quite important. Accountability is the starting point in dealing with corruptions. The lack of accountability allows the polarization to increase and grow in a corrupt manner.

The most important line through the murky complexities is a chicken-and-egg interaction. One group gets arbitrary, causing another group to attack the unjustified arbitrariness, causing the other side to react to the attack, causing the other side to try to correct the inappropriate spin off into oblivion, causing more attack.

As the conflicts go on and on, they acquire the characteristics of a battle with no concept of the starting point. But there are two underlying standards that can be separated. Neither side adheres strictly to any set of principles, but two defining forces can be identified in the complexities.

The most defining force on the liberal side is an attempt to be rational, objective and fair. That purpose cannot be found on the conservative side, which says, the underlying conservative position is not justifiable. But conservatives don't know it, because they assume someone is being unfair to them. They get the concept of fairness wrong and cannot get a correct view, because they are being attacked, which they assume is being unfair to them.

What conservatives cannot understand is that they need to be attacked, because they are creating a wrong starting point in standards. But conservatives cannot understand their erroneous starting point and therefore assume something unfair is being done to them.

The fairness and unfairness at the starting point is in the most basic standards. Real fairness requires disconnecting the subjectivity of the individuals from the discourse or social relationships and applying objective standards of rationality, truth, knowledge and justice. Conservatives do not start at that point, which guarantees their problem to be perpetuated.

Instead, conservatives start at a subjective point of promoting their interests without objective standards of social interactions based on rationality, truth, knowledge and justice. Without that starting point, they guarantee their own problems. In other words, conservatives are the cause of the problem, but they cannot accept the fact or correct their errors at the starting point.

For these reasons, conservatives look like they are the cause of the problem, while they cannot understand or believe that fact, because they skip over the starting point of applying objective and justifiable standards to social discourse or purposes.

The most significant example is in the war against the lower classes. There is no excuse for fighting a war against the lower classes. That war approximately defines conservatives. They hate liberals for trying to create social justice for the powerless victims at the bottom of society.

It's easy to define the objective requirements for assisting the victims of injustice, yet conservatives hate liberals for doing so. There is no justification for promoting injustices against vulnerable persons, while conservatives will never stop promoting injustices against vulnerable persons.

What that conflict shows is that conservatives have an underlying set of motives which drive them to an unjustifiable end result. Those underlying forces do not go away for conservatives, so conservatives assume they are being dealt with unfairly in making their problems worse.

The underlying problem that conservatives have is that they cannot base their position on objectivity. They always base their purpose in life on subjectivity aligned upon their selfish interests in conflict with everyone else's interests. They assume a necessity in looking after their own interest while not understanding that there needs to be a socially acceptable objectivity in social interactions.

At this point, we can almost define the nature of the problem at the starting point. It is the need to set aside subjective focus upon self and find a universal reference based upon objective realities and standards. Conservative seem incapable of getting to that starting point.

In fact, conservatives assume they are right and liberals are wrong, because looking after oneself must be the purpose in life. There are philosophies that promote that error. For example, a philosophy might state that the purpose in existence is to survive. Survive is interpreted in subjective terms of looking after oneself subjectively. Not understood is that survival means finding common ground in objective realities and standards which are acceptable to everyone. Objective reality produces that common ground, while selfishness does not.

Selfishness becomes the starting point for conservative social interactions due to a feeling of being left out where rationality gets too complex for them. A focus upon themselves occurs as they view life in terms of a need to be relevant, which translates into a need to be winners. The focus upon themselves creates selfishness as their reference for existence instead of the objectivity needed for constructive social interactions. (Rationality being too complex for conservatives is what Trump and sycophants mean by "swamp." Drying up the swamp means getting rid of rationality.)

After that starting point, a whole string of secondary results occur, as irrational justifications are made for being selfish while feeling something unfair is occurring.

Irrationality is the more visible manifestation of the problem, while selfishness lies at the starting point.

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