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Sociology Of Corruption  69

Trash As Replacement Reality

September 25, 2022

Knowledge is alignment of human reality upon the objective reality created by the laws of the universe. A lot of concern goes into knowledge, such as producing science, because sustaining life and solving problems requires alignment upon that objective reality.

No reality can be stable or unified but that reality (definable as unified reality) which originates with the laws of the universe. All other reality conflicts with that reality, which interferes with sustaining life and solving problems.

That means it is extremely important to lock onto the objective reality based on the laws of the universe and allow nothing other than that form of reality to exist. Yet corruption is dependent upon defying that reality for exploitation purposes. Corrupters create trash reality in their attempts to monger power, because fraud is needed to monger power.

Trash reality is a measure of the degree of fascism that has overtaken society. The concepts are inseparable. Corrupters need trash reality, just as power mongers need fraud, because rationality and truth are the defeat of corrupters. Trash reality is the shield against rationality and truth.

Yellowstone might be the easiest example for nonscientists to understand. Only a few years ago, fakes decided that Yellowstone is a super volcano. There is no lava within hundreds of miles of Yellowstone. A super volcano without lava is like an ocean without water. The fakes could not have missed that fact. Yet they have the world of fascists talking about the dangers of Yellowstone exploding. Yellowstone is obviously an asteroid strike. It was only after geologists explored the depths beneath Yellowstone and found that chambers had been moving westward for a long time that the fakes decided to re-interpret the results.

In science, where realities are most definable, almost all realities related to physics have been turned upside down in the attempts to solidify the power of corrupters. Corrupters recently acquired the power to do so, as the social order was overrun by fascism.

Another clear and simple example is crossing out hundreds of years of knowledge on the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter resulting from a planet exploding. Instead, the fakes now claim there was no planet that exploded to create the asteroid belt. Instead, Jupiter supposedly caused rocks to orbit the Sun a few million miles away. The disregard for credibility is a measure of the degree of fascism that allows fakes to produce mockeries of realities.

Of course, the most visible example is the "big Lie" that Democrats stole the election from Trump. Lies need to be extreme to advance the purpose of fascists, because it is not easy to erase rationality and truth to the degree that corrupters need for prevailing. The fakery needs to overwhelm and subdue. It is not credibility being used as the tool but the ability to overwhelm. It takes criminality to overwhelm the social order, not credibility.

What the big lie is showing is that the trash reality is an element of extreme corruption. Extreme corruption reverts to terrorism in the attempt to overwhelm.

In other words, as corrupters get more extreme, they become less credible and more opposed. So they stop trying to convince to get their way and revert to imposing with defiance and contempt. The trash realities have that element of defiance and contempt that goes with terrorism replacing credibility.

Terrorism occurs when corrupters stop trying to convince anyone of anything and try to bulldoze their way into success through criminality.

Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power

Understanding Terrorism


ATP Fraud

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

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