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The Three Second View

February 18, 2021

To understand the conflicting perspectives that were demonstrated by Trump and his followers and normal persons, it's necessary to look at the three second view. The problem is, the difference is often portrayed as two parallel alternatives. It's nothing resembling that. The three second view explains why.

When awareness is so restricted that it extends to nothing outside the bubble that surrounds corrupters, they have a three second view of existence. Largely, they are hung up on personal relationships, because that is all that enters the three second view. Extended realities are virtually nonexistent for such persons, which includes all abstract realities including science, economics and social structures.

The three second view isn't a different analysis, it's an absence of analysis. The absence of analysis leaves the focus upon self and personal relationships.

Trump said his economy would be measured by the stock market, which is nothing but a gambling casino. That's not looking at the economy that people have to live by. A stock market bouncing to the sky with the exorbitant cash that the 1%ers are trying to get rid of can enter the three second view as lines on a graph.

More relevant is the misapplication of everything. Everything has purposes. Those purposes don't fit into the three second view. So the wrong purposes are attributed to everything.

All of Trump's decisions were of that nature. They couldn't have been anything else, since he has no awareness outside his tiny bubble. The misuse of pardons is an example. Since pardons override the judicial system, they need to be objective with a concern for some concept of social justice. Not for Trump. He used them to promote his sycophants in contempt for concepts of justice.

Trump didn't know he was going about it wrong, because he didn't know how pardons were supposed to be used. He assumed his way of doing things was superior because it fits his motives better than something his enemies do, not because he understands the purposes of social realities.

The self-righteousness of corrupters is astounding. Organized crime doesn't exude the self-righteousness that the corrupters of the social order demonstrate. The self-righteousness results from a total lack of awareness of everything outside their bubble and three second view. With nothing else existing, aligning everything upon themselves and their motives is a vast improvement over objective purposes.


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Stock Market Fraud

The March To Fascism

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What Corruption Is TOP



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