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Why Causes

March 31, 2022

A cause is a mechanism of justification. Justification is one of the major hang-ups of corrupters, because they can never get justice on their side. Justice is the result that truth produces. Truth is alignment upon the unified reality created by the laws of the universe. Truth always prevails to the extent that it can be produced.

It's extremely important for corrupters to get justice on their side, because it means getting the universe on their side. Yet they try to accomplish that result while fighting a war against truth. Of course, they don't have a clue; so they produce a lot of self-contradictory behavior; and causes are how they do that.

A cause says they love the kids and pets more than anyone else, while they try to justify corruption. To do that, the cause must not be what it is pretended to be. It means causes are fakery and fraud by necessity.

If a cause gets aligned upon rationality and constructivity, it does the opposite of its purpose—it puts rational persons in control of the process. The purpose of causes is to put incompetent corrupters in control of realities to prevail over society.

What it means is that not only are greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving fraudulent causes, they must be prevented from being rational solutions to problems. Otherwise, rational persons would prevail.

Therefore, causes must be ridiculous. Ridiculousness is how corrupters prevent rational persons from taking over causes and using them for something constructive.

It's why claimed gravity wave measurements were said to measure motion down to 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. If the motion were said to be 100 million times larger, rational persons might get involved in the process and correct the errors.

Recycling is another fake cause. It's extremely destructive to environments, particularly since very little sorted material can actually be recycled and ends up in the air and oceans. Yet taxpayers must pay heavily for the process to please the frauds.

Where Fake Science Came From

Fake Gravity Wave Measurements

Recycling Fraud

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is

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