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Why Cults

March 5, 2021

You might think a cult has something to do with religion. No one can agree as to what a cult is. There is a good reason for that. The underlying set of forces go with all corruption. Boundaries around corruption never fit quite right.

Cults start with conspiracies. Sin and conspiracy are used as synonyms in the Scriptures, because all sin depends upon conspiracies and all conspiracies have the purpose of facilitating sin.

The cult element of conspiracies becomes visible in highly purified purposes which set them apart from the usual. But the cult element of all conspiracies orient the values around the corrupt purposes. When a lot of other persons conspire to promote the same values, it's a lot easier to get by with sin.

Values grease the machine for sin. Cults promote those values.

The corruption in physics is strengthened by the cult values which orient around Einstein and Plank. Einstein is like Christ the Savior of physics and Plank is like God the Father of physics. There is no objective reality to relativity or Plank's constant, but they are sources of power shaped by the cult values.

It seems strange that the "newspaper of record" has a strong vein of cult values which warp the social realities. There are mysterious origins to the processes that develop cult values. It isn't that "we are number one;" it's that the stock market is the holy communion of the economy. The stock market is a satanic ritual, but not in the mainstream media; it's the source of our livelihoods. That's the promotion of cult values.

Corruption gets promoted where corruption supposedly doesn't exist through cult values. The purpose is to keep the power flowing upward while paying empty lip service to the victims.

Supposedly, the economy is thriving, because the stock market is forever soaring, while large swaths of persons are being shoved out of the economy. That's a satanic ritual—a cult promoted by power mongers through sources of power—the religion of power mongers.

The stock market and crypto currencies are promoted in the cult vein of the media that promotes power mongering, because both structures are designed for redistributing the excessive wealth that power mongers have accumulated. Using gambling to redistribute criminal wealth is a cult practice in that it's purpose is camouflaged to look innocuous.

The promotion of such vices does not have a credible logic. The crypto currencies are never going to be currencies. No one could miss the fact that they are played as gabling casinos. For journalists to glamorize them as something indefinably else shows the ulterior motives of cultists.

One of the most developed patterns of the bigotry cult is to claim that any element of the economy that benefits the lower classes is inflationary. Supposedly, inflation is caused by everything working right, as if businesses will charge more when the economy benefits too many people.

Notice the mechanisms at play. One, use a garbage term that could mean anything. Two, arbitrate it to attack or oppose. Three, have all conspirators yapping the same message. Four, make it a prediction that has no test for accuracy. Five, make sure it is such meaningless nonsense that it never applies to insiders. How could all those persons be wrong? They shape policies that way.

Corrupters don't look right. Journalism isn't supposed to look that way. Being oblivious to the appearance of corruption is a characteristic of corruption.

Stock Market Fraud

Relativity Is Not Science

Quantum Mechanics Contradictions

How Conspiracies Work

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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