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July 22, 2021

Incompetents destroyed energy systems and closed the doors behind them. Renewables are an unworkable fantasy. So-called renewable sources of energy are too dilute to be captured and used efficiently. The easy pickings are already used up, while coastal windmills are not a drop in the bucket of energy needs.

Nuclear is the only long-term energy solution. Safe nuclear energy is possible, but incompetents hijacked the subject. Hydrogen fusion produces no significant energy, which is why dozens of fantasy projects produced no results. The assumption of fusion energy stems from Einstein's errors. Einstein was an idiot relegated to a patent office. He squared the velocity of light in E=mc², while there in no such thing as velocity squared. Unsquare velocity, and there is no energy in his equation.

What incompetents mean by renewable energy being on par with coal is that a watt of energy is produced at the same cost. But the coal plant is 90% of the cost, while the watt of renewables is 5% of the cost. The other 95% of the cost of renewables is in off time, transmission lines, heat loss and back-ups. What nonscientists don't realize is that 60% of electric energy is lost to heat every time it is touched. Fifty percent loss is built into long lines to reduce the amount of metal. The length of transmission lines needs to be increased by factors of thousands for renewables because of being a long ways from consumers.

What incompetents got wrong is assuming that power mongering is the answer. Aligning upon power and expecting power mongers to be the solution, resulted in a railroad job of fraudulent science and technology. Frauds glamorized fakery, which redirected social energy into delusional solutions which create problems instead of solving them.

Journalists thought the fakery was impressive and brought the falsehoods to the surface while preventing criticism. After manufacturing a false consensus, consensus is now used as the basis for claims. Real science does not allow consensus anywhere near it. Science is a process of questioning everything, endlessly.

The result is greenhouse gases, renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and going to Mars. How could going to Mars be relevant to anything? That question is a rationality question. Rationality has nothing to do with going to Mars. It's the process of claiming to be going to Mars that matters to corrupters, because it separates them from the rational world. You would think evidence proves them to be incompetent idiots. It takes rational evaluation to determine that. Incompetents assume the absurdity of going to Mars is a product of superior intelligence. Whether they get there is irrelevant to the purpose. The purpose is to position themselves above rational persons with supposed brilliance that rational persons do not posses.

Why The Need For Errors

The path that incompetent corrupters create for themselves is to monger power to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. Power is needed to overwhelm—to overwhelm persons and their realities. To overwhelm is to corrupt.

Whenever incompetent corrupters come into contact with objective reality or the method of handling objective reality, which is rationality, it exposes them for the incompetent corrupters that they are. So they need an alternative. The alternative is corruption including corrupt realities.

So when corrupters need to explain or promote, they need realities which are not objective or rational. They pick erroneous realities for that purpose.

They aren't aware of the difference. Lack of awareness is what puts incompetent corrupters on the path of corruption. They flow with forces rather than evaluate the realities. So picking corrupt realities in place of objective realities looks like a bit of brilliance to them.

Erroneous realities meet the needs that corrupters have in creating a path apart from rationality. Since picking errors seems to work for them, they assume it is a higher standard.

Pretending Reality

Reality starts with perception, but perception is useless without understanding what is being perceived. Incompetent corrupters don't have a clue as to what they are looking at. So they imagine what reality means. Their assumptions and biases determine what the imagined realities look like.

Then corrupters assume that their imagined reality is the only possibility that exists. They make a guess and assume that guessing is the only way anyone determines what reality is, while assuming their guess is the right one.

There is no objective reference in their assumptions. So guessing wrong is irrelevant. Aligning upon their version of reality becomes necessary regardless of anyone else's assumptions.

Since there is an objective reality that defines life and the solutions to problems, the imagined reality of corrupters is out of contact with reality and creates problems rather than solves them.

The assumptions and biases of corrupters are aligned upon their purposes. As a result, assumed purposes are imagined. The imagined purposes place corrupters in the center of existence and make them lords over our lives.

Incompetent corrupters aren't aware of other purposes. So their purposes are everything to them, which must replace whatever someone else assumes is the purpose of life.

Not only are the pretended purposes synthesized, but they run into conflict with everything else in life. Having no clue what other purposes are, the conflicts must be eliminated by destroying all other purposes but their own.

Since other purposes are nonsensical to corrupters, there is an assumed greater wisdom and necessity to destroying all purposes but their own. With nothing lost and everything gained, the destructivity of corrupters is assume to be essential for existence.

Arguments to the contrary have no meaning to corrupters because of their absence of understanding of realities other than their own. Attempts to do corrections are viewed as hostile acts which must be opposed and prevented.

The result is that incompetent corrupters live in an Allice-and-Wonderland world of infantile realities immune to objective reality and correction. On top of that, the fantasies are supposedly superior and the only state that can be allowed to exist.

There is no give-and-take, negotiating, compromising or tolerating of differences in such a fantasy state, because there is nothing acceptable or presumed to be realistic on the other side. There is no other side. A self-centered fantasy is an isolated absolute.

A lie is defined as an improper relationship to objective reality. If objective reality doesn't exist, a lie doesn't exist. For incompetent corrupters, a lie is simply a repair job on fantasy reality.

When reality is an infantile fantasy, how can anyone apply it to anything or live by it? In the world of corrupters, the dominating fantasy is the only thing anyone is allowed to live by. All else is exterminated. That means leveling the ground. No organizational activity or government can prevail against the infantile fantasy of corrupters.

Doesn't that process look like a lot of contradictions? Nope. It's the elimination of all contradictions. The fantasy does not serve the purpose that realities serve. Normally reality is a method of aligning upon the universe that defines objective reality. But in the world of corrupters a fantasy is simply a path to be followed. It's a direction sheet on how to worship corrupters and put them in control of our lives.

Putting corrupters in control of our lives is not a reality based process; it's a domination process. Dominating is based upon whimsical commands, all in conflict with each other and doing nothing more than keeping corrupters in control of our lives.

Intent Defines

Intent defines realities, purposes and morality. What someone intends is what they align realities, purposes and morality upon. Even if total effect is a failure, what is aligned upon contributes toward the purposes. Also, what is intended determines the nature of other related realities, purposes and morality.

What one intends is what one moves toward and contributes to. Even if ineffective in one place, other related realities, purposes and moral standards will move in the direction of intent. That's why the meaning must be interpreted in terms of intent. No single point is very definitive, but the accumulation of several points have a net effect aligned upon intent.

It is the intent that defines the whole conservative movement as corrupt and immoral. Conservatives flock to the conservative movement because of the purpose defined by the intent.

No matter how much rationalizing or lying, a corrupt intent is still destructive and projects through the flack. Flack is what conservative reality consists of out of necessity. Reality must be reduced to incoherence to ward off the truth about the intent.

So the intent of conservatives needs to be clarified. It's the total, net effect that determines their intent. Their net effect is to fight a war against enemies, first and foremost against the lower classes and vulnerable persons and secondarily against persons who try to create social justice for the vulnerable victims.

Why the conservative war against the lower classes? Domination is why. Corrupters need to dominate to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. To dominate means getting other persons below their own feet. Only the most vulnerable persons are going to end up under the feet of dominators. Yet there must be someone under the feet of dominators to create the power to dominate.

The power of destructivity is the means required for domination. The purpose cannot be concealed. Fake realities must always be aligned upon the intent, which shows the purpose.

In rationalizing, corrupters attack opponents and use them as the excuse for their standard. The excuse is irrelevant. The relevance is in the intent. The intent is always visible or there would be no reason to rationalize.

The intent shows that conservatives will not allow ordered existence to get in their way in dominating vulnerable persons as a source of power. They dismantle government to prevent it from getting in their way. They degrade opponents to prevent them from getting in their way.

Degradation of persons never has a constructive purpose. All constructivity requires objectivity which requires no mention of persons. If persons are causing a problem, the problem is an objective reality, but only if the realities are a proper representation and related to a solution and not simply a self-serving attack upon someone.

Conservatives can never sort realities out properly without condemning themselves. So they muddle realities. And still the intent is visible in the muddled realities, because they are trying to advance something which is unjustifiable—their purpose to dominate vulnerable persons as a source of power.

Morality is about persons but in terms of the problems that persons create. So conservatives take a moral high ground and pretend to be fixing everyone and everything. That's the corrupt way of going about it—socializing the morality and lying instead of clarifying the abstract basics.

Conservatives pretend to be fixers of everything. Since they have no ability to fix anything or plan that can be clarified, their fixing is fraud. Fixing anything but their own personal problems is fraud. Fixing to frauds means imposing destructivity onto other persons.

There is no such thing as fixing. Problems can only be prevented; there is no significant fix for them once they exist. Yet conservatives use fixing as one of their primary justifications. There is a high degree of stupidity in assuming fixing justifies them, while their fixing consists of destroying vulnerable persons. People have a right to decide for themselves what their fixing should consist of, while conservatives ignore that right in imposing their fixing upon vulnerable persons.

The important thing to notice is that the result follows the intent. The result and intent is to destroy vulnerable persons, while a rationalization is supposed to justify the result.

A persistent purpose of conservatives is to prevent the needy from getting assistance while claiming the purpose of improving the character of the needy. The result is human degradation, while the excuse is moral authority over someone else. The result, purpose and intent are highly visible, while ignorant excuses are used.

What Power Mongers Accomplish

What did Trump accomplish in his first four years, and why was he supposed to be the answer to everything in his next four years? The accomplishments of power mongers are always in the future, while history has to be rewritten to conceal what power mongers did in the past. Futurism is an essential part of corruption.

Magicism is an essential part of futurism. Magicism is solving everyone's problems without truth, knowledge or rationality. It isn't a method or process; it's a result. The result of magicism isn't just a little bit but the answer to everything for everyone, such as all the boats rising when the power mongers get more tax dollars to burn.

Year after year, the top one percent of society acquires more power and money, while everyone else is worse off. The boats don't rise, they sink, when power mongers acquire more power. Yet the magic of conservatives has never had any other explanation than everyone benefiting from power mongers acquiring more power.

By contrast, the libs talk about methods and processes. Essential processes accomplish whatever they accomplish, and then more processes are needed to accomplish what still needs to be accomplished.

That's what conservatives call socialism. Solving society's problems is what conservatives oppose. The problems supposedly solve themselves when power mongers acquire more power.

Why Lawlessness

Humans evolved laws over time as a method of solving problems. The time factor says there was a value that humans continually sought in the process of producing laws. Yet corrupters oppose laws.

If the laws were simply criminal codes, it would be obvious why criminals would not want laws working against them. But most laws are not criminal codes, and some persons who do not consider themselves to be criminals oppose laws such as conservatives.

Conservatives hate everything related to laws including the government which produces laws. When they enter government, they attempt to eradicate laws rather than improve them. When Reagan said the government is the problem, he did not specify a particular type of government or explain what improved government would be. He was talking about the whole concept of government. The drive to deregulate that followed was broad-based being opposed to all types of laws.

Superficially, conservatives are talking about freedom. They don't want to fight their war with one hand tied behind their backs through laws. But words such as freedom are nothing but mindless slogans to them. They want freedom from laws but not freedom from domination.

Laws create freedom. Stripping laws from the social order creates totalitarian domination. Laws are supposed to be written in line with the Constitution which has the purpose of creating freedom through laws. How much freedom would there be without traffic signs?

There is nothing resembling freedom in the conservative agenda. Conservatives want to arbitrate existence by whim while destroying enemies and oppressing vulnerable persons. They expect to allow each other to do as they please while preventing enemies from living. To some extent, their model of existence exists for a few privileged persons in totalitarian dictatorships. But very few persons can acquire such privileges. On top of that, those systems only exist in the most primitive states. Nothing resembling it can exist in an advanced and technological society.

So there is something extremely mindless in the purposes of conservatives. They are striving for a state of existence in conflict with the complexities of modern society. What is going on with them?

Here is what is going on with conservatives: Laws are abstract. That means they are not perceivable. They are a product of human minds. And they become quite complex over time, as they build upon previous laws. Persons who cannot handle the complexities of abstract realities have no chance of determining and applying laws.

So the solutions to problems must flow out of incompetent corrupters with no pattern to follow. Why not? Corrupters see no problem with that. In fact, they assume that standard is flawless perfection, because it is always in line with their concerns or motives.

Not the least problem is that everyone's concerns and motives are different. Why solve the problems for one dictator at everyone else's expense? That's what the concern has been for rational persons throughout human social existence. But it is not the concern of incompetent corrupters. Their concern is how to solve their problems with no patterned existence being possible.

Patterned Realities

The absence of patterned reality is the absence of modern existence. It's returning to the stone ages. Some persons claim it would be a good thing for humans to return to primitive existence. Regardless of the values, getting from here to there would make Nazism look like Mother Teresa's holy communion. Nazism acquires much more potential to do harm after human science, technology and social structures get more advanced.

Even now we see corrupters not making the same mistakes the Nazis made in getting to the same result. Do more lying and speak in opposites instead of claiming to create the Arian race by gassing minorities. Claim to be instilling confidence in the government by putting destroyers in control of the processes which they are dismantling.

It took patterned realities to create the modern society. All of the social structures and technology required patterned reality. Just as engineering requires endless manuals on the mechanics of processes, making complex social structures work requires endless experience with procedures such as criminal courts, social assistance that solves problems, utilities that stay functional and urban designs that work.

Patterns in realities are required to do all of that. Take away the patterns in realities and modern society disappears. Yet conservatives are trying to remove patterned realities from social existence, because they don't have a clue as to what the patterns are.

It takes knowledge to know what the absence of knowledge is. With no knowledge of the abstract realities which shape the complexities of society, conservatives assume that their whimsical reactions are the solution to everyone's problems. They assume the complexities of social existence are nothing but fools wasting their time. Whim lashing out is supposedly the answer to everything.

Getting Energy Wrong

Lack Of Credibility


Why Not Totalitarian Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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