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Moral Philosophy  295

What Fraud Is


December 10, 2022

Fraud is a method used by corrupters to reduce reality to a form they can exploit.

Corrupters put themselves in conflict with the universe. They need to wipe out the universe to prevail with their corruptions. Replacing the objective realities of the universe with substitutes is how they do that.

The substitute realities of corrupters are an insult to human intelligence. They are beyond simplistic and reductionistic yet represented as the objective realities which are all connected to the complex realities that the universe creates in defining life and the solutions to problems.

It's analogous to representing a dog house with a toothpick. Worse than leaving the dogs without a doghouse, it imposes a mockery of realities upon human minds. It requires humans to insult themselves and their purposes in life with stupidity instead of solving their problems.

As with all corruptions, corrupters need to half-way believe their frauds before they can expect others to promote them. Corrupters are so mindless that they assume there should be something credible in the mockeries that they replace realities with.

The concept of greenhouse gases entered society as an absurdity. Common persons pointed out how ridiculous it was. But fake physicists pushed the realities as if they knew something everyone else did not know. Over time, the fake realities kept increasing, while the common sense kept being assaulted, until the fraud eventually became the unquestionable fact of the subject. Now days, the youngsters never knew there was a question about greenhouse gases destroying the planet.

The net result of fraud is to put corrupters in control of our lives without objective reality getting in their way. Fraud replaces the universe with a void which has no stable and consistent requirements to run interference with the impositions of dominating totalitarians turning human existence into rubble.

Truth is the only force corrupters cannot defy. So reality is erased and replaced with non-realities in the attempt to get truth out of the way of corrupters in taking over our lives. Fraud is a non-reality substituting for reality as a method of getting truth out of the way of corrupters.

As a non-reality, the more absurd fraud is, the more effectively it prevents truth from running interference with the destructive schemes of corrupters. But there needs to be enough of a parallel to reality to allow indoctrinated fools to assume someone understands the frauds.

What that means is that dupes do not try to understand frauds; they rely upon dominating power mongers to resolve the contradictions. Fake authority takes care of all of that. That's why physics created the underlying foundations for frauds taking over the social structures and turning them into power structures.

Physics is so abstract that most physicists are incompetent fakes who replace science with motives aligned upon mongering power. Physicists insist that they have the vagaries all figured out and the only operating principle is "just trust us."

To get dupes to trust incompetent destroyers, fake results are used, such as the measurement of gravity waves by measuring motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. The absurdly small number is needed to eliminate criticism within science. All real scientists can say about it is that it is fraud, while the word fraud is not allowed in science or journalism.

Gravity Wave Measurements

Corruption As Void

The Force Medium

Against Everything


What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
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Consensus As Rightness
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Greenhouse Gases Are An Infantile Assumption
Renewable Energy Is An Infantile Assumption



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