The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  135

Why Fantasy As Substitute Reality


October 17, 2023

Strangely, the social order drifts into fantasy, as it becomes overwhelmed by corruption. Fantasy glamorizes corruption and removes the demands of constructivity.

It takes the power to overwhelm to do that. Incompetents monger power and use it to destroy rationality, because rationality creates demands in aligning upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems.

The model for extreme corruption is Nazism, where fantasy is quite visible. An Arian race wasn't a pretense of credibility.

But also notice how unrealistic the Nazis were in expecting their sandbox brawl to solve their problems. When they ran out of energy, they assumed they could steal energy from Russia. They fantasized marching to Russia in the dead of winter, where they froze on the way.

In other words, corrupters expect fantasy to be a solution to their problems—not just an escape from problems but a solution to problems.

Nothing could be a more extreme example than expecting to go to Mars and eventually populate planets throughout the universe.

But even the more Earthly examples of fake science and technology are absurd. To replace fossil fuels with electricity would require six times a much electricity. Even if the sources were actually renewable, that doesn't mean unlimited supply. Suitable locations are already impossible to find. That's because wind and solar are extremely dilute sources of energy which need to be concentrated with a lot of expensive contraption. Trying to do so destroys a lot of resources and environments.

Trying to do such ridiculous things would require greater contact with objective reality rather than the fantasizing that is replacing science and engineering.

There is not enough energy in hydrogen and oxygen to be going anywhere in space. For every force, there must be an equal and opposite force. That means, for accelerating spacecraft, mass must be propelled in the opposite direction. The mass runs out awful fast. Look how much fuel was required to put the space shuttle into near-Earth orbit: Space Shuttlea huge tank of liquid fuel, which the shuttle was attached to, plus two solid fuel rockets on the sides.

Going to Mars is official government policy. It shows how fantasy reality takes over a whole society, as corruption buries rationality in fraud.

The reason why that happens is power mongering is used to replace rationality which exposes incompetent corrupters for what they are. As power mongers take over social structures, they use them for personal gain at everyone else's expense. They then pretend they love the kids and pets more than anyone else, which requires fantasy reality.

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