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What Fixers Don't Understand

September 12, 2021

Fixing replaces criticism more and more in recent journalism. Fixers don't know the difference between fixing and criticizing.

About all fixers do is point out a problem and demand an answer. No one knows what the answers would be, which is why the problems exist.

Notice the first stupid assumption of fixers. They assume the answers would fall into place, but no one wants to solve the problems besides themselves. So convincing someone to solve the problems is supposedly all that is needed.

That ignorance is the only basis of Trump's demagoguery. It's approximately what demagoguery is. It's assuming no one else but the demagogue wants to solve the problems. Trump claimed he was going to get rid of the rust belt, end all wars and bring the manufacturing back. He didn't know how to clean a doghouse, but everything was going to fall into place, once he bitched about it.

A lot of persons are constantly working on all problems, but fixers don't know it, because the causes and solutions to problems are abstract and invisible to incompetent and power mongering corrupters.

The only relevance to rational persons is not what the problems are but what to do about them. Incompetent power mongers never even consider what to do about problems, because they have no concept of the abstract realities that define the causes and solutions.

That's why rational persons produce criticism instead of bitching about problems. Criticism describes the causes and solutions. But incompetent corrupters don't understand the criticism and assume it is the ruination of man. They assume criticism is diverting attention away from problems rather than explaining the causes and solutions.

The net result is that fixers resort to destroying enemies as their only solution to problems. Destroying is the only solution that does not require abstract realities that explain the causes and solutions to problems.

Along with destroying enemies is destroying their property. So wars are the supposed solution to problems. But didn't Trump say he was going to end all wars? He also said he was going to obliterate several countries for defying him.

What that contradiction shows is that incompetent corrupters have a superficial way of relating to everything, where they love the kids and pets more than anyone else, but when they have to solve problems, they have to obliterate everything in front of them.

Those aren't contradictions to corrupters. They obliterate existence because they love the kids and pets. To not obliterate existence is to not love the kids and pets. Their enemies are do-nothings, because they won't obliterate existence to love the kids and pets.

ZAnon The Fixer


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