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Why Lie?


August 29, 2020

The laws of the universe create a unified reality, and life must be integrated into that reality. Unified reality is the starting point for all objective reality.

Humans must align themselves and everything they do upon the unified reality that defines life in order to survive and solve problems. In doing that, unified reality shapes what humans do by defining constructivity.

Unified reality shaping human behavior is a correcting influence. It forces people to do what is right. The demands reduce the arbitrariness of human decisions.

In that way, the objective reality of the universe reduces the responsibilities and demands for human evaluation and character. Doing what the universe requires to solve problems simplifies life and reduces demands upon character.

What then happens to persons who are disconnected from objective reality by their stupidity and corruptness? Their decisions must come out of themselves instead of being shaped by the universe. In other words, being disconnected from reality unleashes corruptness and motives from restrictions like emptying a bag of feathers.

After removing the objective realities form a subject, it is impossible to even define what lying is. That's where liars' heads are. They are describing what they want reality to be without objective reality influencing the result.

Corrupters are so disconnected from objective reality that they have no reason not to lie. And they have plenty of reasons to lie. They are too incompetent and corrupt to solve their problems in a manner consistent with objective reality; so they take a simpler approach which is not so demanding. They simply re-align the realities upon their motives.

Normal humans are so dependent upon objective reality to solve their problems that they can't imagine why anyone would try to defy objective reality. A disconnect from objective reality is the reason why.

What then is a disconnect from objective reality? It's no comprehension beyond perception. An analogy would be a red building that stores cotton bales and a red building for sewing shirts. They both look like red buildings with no visible difference. Knowing nothing but what is perceived is being disconnected from objective reality.

An absence of objective reality creates no reason not to lie. Why waste reality or claims without exploiting them? That's the question corrupters have. Why are rational persons locked onto objective reality instead of twisting everything for personal gain? What does anyone have to gain by subservience to objective reality?

Corrupters don't know that producing automobiles, computers and houses requires strict relationships to objective reality. So they assume only fools would waste their time adhering to demands of objective reality instead of aligning all realities upon motives by lying.

Could anyone believe Trump is going to make America great again by lying. That's obviously not how the U.S. became great the first time. In fact, labor unions had a lot to do with it, while only high school kids were working for the minimum wage.

Being totally out of contact with the realities of constructivity causes conservatives to assume that fraud perpetrated in the dark is the superior way to get where they want to get.

Hyper Lying

There is a hyper purpose for lying that extreme corrupters promote. They don't just want to change the meaning of something, they want to break down human logic, so they can change human purposes to subservience to themselves without contradictory reality getting in the way.

Extreme corrupters need to disconnect from universal reality, because it is too complex for them to handle and it has been integrated into human existence too thoroughly. They use hyper lying for the purpose of disconnecting from universal reality.

A vein of recent science points to hyper lying, where every previous assumption that can be changed has been reversed or falsely interpreted. Examples include the claim that a planet did not explode to create the asteroid belt, but instead, it was the gravity of Jupiter that caused asteroids to line up in a belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Another example is to claim Yellowstone is a super volcano, while it produced no lava and is obviously an asteroid strike. Calling it a super volcano is like saying there is an ocean without water.

Another example is crossing out the biochemistry of ATP synthesis and substituting in a mockery, where the kinetic energy of rotary motion is transformed into chemical energy—an impossibility. An ocean of previously-established biochemistry was contradicted and rearranged in the process.

Another example of hyper lying was the manner in which conservatives did the Republican convention in 2020. They used every accusation they could think of to accuse Biden and liberals of regardless of obvious falseness, and they claimed super accomplishments with the economy and pandemic, where they did nothing but screw everything up. Their purpose wasn't to change specific realities but to disconnect from reality so thoroughly that their extreme corruption of government could be replaced with self-praise.

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