The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  86

Why Not Fake Science

February 5, 2023

A lot of persons seem to assume there is some value in fake science, as if there were a psychological benefit in feel-good contrivance. The consequences of fraud never end well.

It's like convicting innocent persons of crime, which seems to never end. The persons who actually commit the crime go free to commit more crimes, when the wrong persons are convicted. Similarly, when fake science is being produced, what science is supposed to be doing doesn't get done.

Nowhere could that problem be more extreme than in the overwhelming obsession with the absurdities of fake global warming. Real problems and solutions are being swept away by the fraud.

An ice age is scheduled to occur at any time. A lot of preparation is needed. None is being considered, while carbon dioxide replaces everything related to the subject.

Society is going to need all the coal it can produce during the ice age. Instead, a major chunk of the coal is going to be covered with ice, while natural gas, which could be used in automobiles, is being squandered to produce electricity.

Scientists don't have a clue what causes ice ages. The answers jump out at anyone who looks, but the looking no longer occurs due to the glamorizing of fraud instead. There was a lot of realism on such subjects during the 1950s and 60s, but none now days, as fraud is being exploited instead.

Scientists were saying during the 1950s that warm Pacific ocean water going over the Bering Strait appeared to be the cause of ice ages. A lot of evidence indicates that they were right.

What obviously happens is that heating of the Arctic Ocean causes a lot of snow to form up north. When that snow does not melt during the summers, it reflects away more sunlight than usual and triggers the next ice age.

That almost happened a few years ago. News stories said people were swimming in the Arctic Ocean. Then a lot of snow fell on northern Canada and almost didn't melt. Humanity dodged the bullet by the skin of their teeth.

The Arctic has been heating and cooling, off and on, for quite awhile. In 1903-6, a "Northwest Passage" was being explored for shipping through the Arctic, until ice reformed and froze everything back up.

It appears to be variations in solar intensity that create the slow cycles. There was a little ice age a few centuries ago due to reduced solar intensity.

There is a lot of ocean heating at this time. Some scientists have been theorizing that a volcano on the floor of the Pacific Ocean might be the cause. There are other explanations. The solar output has been increasing. Solar energy accumulates in oceans, because it cannot escape easily. In fact, oceans constantly heat between ice ages and only an ice age cools oceans back down.
ice ages, enlargeOcean temperatures increase and decrease about 5°C due to ice ages, which occur every 100 thousand years like clockwork. Ocean levels drop about 400 feet, as ice accumulates on land. Ice forms for 80 thousand years and melts for 20 thousand years. That's not much time between ice sheets covering northern areas.

If the next ice age begins in the next few weeks, or even the next few years, a lot of Chinook helicopters will be needed to remove people from northern areas and Wyoming coal will be inaccessible for another 80 thousand years.

Gravity Wave Measurements

Nuclear Fusion


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