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Why Not Jim Crow Laws

July 5, 2021

Jim Crow laws define the arrogance of usurpers. Usurpers of human existence assume they acquired the right to run other peoples' lives. Ownership of the social order is required to do that. Nothing in written words gave usurpers those assumptions. It was the evolution of purposes and standards in achieving domination that produced the arrogance of usurpers.

If there is anyone existing within the country who is not allowed to vote, controllers are usurping human existence. Everyone within the country is influenced by the authority that is voted upon. To say otherwise is to appropriate the right to own someone else's life—no different than the underlying motives of slavery.

Controlling the right to vote is the nice slavery of the modern world—the right of superior persons to own the lives of other persons. Arrogant corrupters assume they have a right to own other peoples' lives.

The purpose of the recent string of Jim Crow laws is said to be to improve confidence in the process. When the purpose of the process is to promote human degradation, increased confidence in the result is relying upon increased human degradation for confidence.

Getting this result would be the reason for stripping oversight, accountability and reliability from the process and placing the final decision making authority in the hands of the authors of the process who have no accountability to anyone but themselves—the state legislators designing the process. They are giving themselves the ultimate authority to decide the results with no accountability to anyone but themselves—locking in a process to prevent Democrats from getting elected again.

The explanation is that the marvelously working process is being made to work even more marvelously simply for the purpose of appeasing a fractured public and somehow preventing the election from being stolen again by Democrats. So the process is being designed to make sure Democrats never get elected again.

Isn't the purpose sedition? The purpose of sedition is inherent in the gerrymandering. The purpose of gerrymandering is to make sure the will of the people is not represented through the voting process. It's the only governmental function that the U.S. Supreme Court does not oversee. They decided that a nonfunctional Congress would create the only accountability for gerrymandering.

The reason why more whites vote than minorities and lower class persons is because there are no voting lines for upper class white persons. Going in and out in a few minutes is acceptable enough to employers to give time off for the noble purpose. Underprivileged persons wait many hours in voting lines with no time off from work, which is often not possible.

The new Jim Crow laws remove more persons from the voting process, as incapacitated persons can no longer get assistance and the number of facilities are reduced. That standard gives more power to fewer persons over other persons. Giving people control of their own lives is not the purpose.



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