The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  96


April 9, 2023

Fake science and technology are starting to transform into deindustrialization. That's why the methods of replacing energy and transportation systems can be lacking in credibility. When the total impossibility of turning lead into gold can be admitted, deindustrialization will be imposed as the only possible alternative. That process is beginning at this time.

Didn't you notice a little too much magic in the fake claims and futurism? No one can create practical results out of renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving; yet that technology is being imposed. Creating the contradictions had a purpose, which was deindustrialization.

There was a element of the power mongering conspiracy that always was promoting deindustrialization in abstract terms complaining about over-population and no solutions to problems. It's an element of the war against the lower classes. After deindustrializing for everyone else, the power mongers expect to have more of everything to themselves.

Since they got nowhere in convincing most persons that there wasn't enough of anything on planet Earth for everyone, the frauds needed to create a motive for going along. The motive for producing less for everyone is being generated by creating contradictions with fake science and technology.

There has been no relevant progress with renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving for many years. Yet normal technology is being outlawed for the very near future. As those contradictions are beginning to become apparent, deindustrialization is entering the dialog as the solution.

First create an unsolvable problem and then claim that going from bad to worse is the solution. That's the routine conservatives have been following since Reaganism. Conservatives first burn tax dollars on corporations and the rich; and then they claim social programs need to be cut to balance budgets—creating a problem and going from bad to worse as the solution. They went through that cycle many times since 1981, usually talking about cutting social security and always trying to get rid of food stamps.

Cutting essential government and social programs is no different than getting rid of the essential technology that people depend upon. It doesn't take a lot of brilliance to destroy something to a point of nonfunctionality as the justification for getting rid of it. So the frauds are trying to destroy functional science and technology as the pretext for getting rid of them.

Did you ever wonder why repeated layoffs in the tech industries are occurring? It's not happening in other industries. The reason is because computer-based equipment and processes have become so nonfunctional that people are turning away from them. When people try to get problems solved, obstructionism and impossibilities are deliberately created, such as setting a ten minute timer before responding to customer complaints.

The incompetents mongering power pretend that there could not possibly be such a thing a conspiracies in the social structures, while power is mongered as a conspiracy. Supposedly, there would need to be a great big table for everyone to get around for conspiring.

The way conspiracies works is how the claim of an election being stolen from Trump is conspired. Corrupters collaborate based on common motives. But supposedly power mongers produce spotless perfection in taking over the social structures and turning them into nonfunctional power structures, as if power were the source of truth, knowledge and virtue.

50 Billion People

Greenhouse Gases

Renewable Energy

Electric Vehicles

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Radiative Transfer Equations
Quotes By Incompetents
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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