The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  116

The Deterioration Of Science In Society


July 24, 2023

Science was transformative during the 1950s. Decades of background progress in biochemistry came to the surface as molecular biology. Universities were primarily teaching science and engineering. Anything else was ridiculed as "basket weaving." The public was overwhelmed by the force, as most persons admitted that religion was not anti-evolution.

At the same time, social structures and infrastructures were modernized from the horse-and-buggy economy to modern institutions and businesses. In rural areas, banks and grocery stores were being constructed alongside dilapidated blacksmith shops with horseshoes on the walls. Anyone with a full time job could buy a house. Only school kids were working for the minimum wage.

I worked my way through college working during the summers as a member of the teamsters union driving equipment in the rock quarries in Oregon, since my uncle was superintendent. There were no such things as student loans, while doers coming out of poverty shaped the expanding economy with the purpose of overcoming the problems created by the depression of "the dirty thirties" and WW-II.

As fascism replaced the rationality of that social order, science has been relegated to background irrelevancy, as indicated by "on par with coal," "carbon free" technology and "zero emission" transportation replacing 500 years of science. The majority never noticed or cared what the science of those subjects consisted of.

At the same time, religion reverted back to dark-age charlatanism in the form of a fake "moral majority" fighting a war against the lower classes to purify a superior white race. Values replace objective realities in shaping the purposes of society, while the economy was ripped out of the middle class and dumped onto power mongers controlling everything like puppet masters behind a screen. money supplyThe power mongers drained the economy dry pouring endless trillions into nonfunctional gambling casinos used to redistribute wealth among the few.

The tragedy is that the transitional consensus is the assumption that power is truth, knowledge and justice, as if power mongers were going to solve society's problems and rationality were for fools. Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed the purpose of life was to be a winner and rationality was for fools. Incompetent corrupters swarmed to the cause to be where the winners were prevailing in fighting a war against rationality to solve their problems through the magic of darkness replacing the objective realities of science.

The operating assumption now days is that realities can be wished into existence. Any absurdity can serve as the starting point and all evidence of the perversion and fraud can be rationalized away and re-written out of history, while the future will turn lead into gold. The lords of the future are the incompetent power mongers who fight a war against rationality and operate in the dark to dominate society.

Clarifying every element of the science is nothing. Logic cannot be trusted. Only power can be trusted. As the social order deteriorates, more power is needed as the solution, while power is produced through fraud and criminality.

Trump is certain to be elected again, whether in jail or not, as real laws were thrown out and replaced by fake election laws designed to keep the lower classes from voting. Nothing about it can be stopped, because the laws, social structures and science have been trashed to promote power mongering fraud as the solution to society's problems.

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Degeneracy Of The Conservative Cause
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
What Corruption Is
How Power Mongering Works
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gases
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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