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The Fascist Transition

May 12, 2023

Fascism is a state of existence that transitions from the rational state which is supposed to be normalcy. The changes from normalcy explain what fascism is.

There is a degree of anti-everything to all forms of corruption. That's because corruption is a reaction against the universe. The definition of corruption is that which destroys life. The universe defines life and the requirements for solving problems to sustain life.

Corruption creates a conflict with the universe. The universe can never be defeated. So corrupters destroy themselves trying to defy the universe. Of course, they don't know it.

Not only don't corrupters know the consequences of their corruption, they assume corruption is a higher state of existence, because corruption has the purpose of solving problems related to incompetence creating losers.

That means corruption is designed to make winners of losers. Winning is not an objective phenomenon. It's a rationalization. It's supposed to put losers above other persons by attacking an degrading enemies.

Opposition to rationality is one of the most visible motives in the fascist state. Rationality is how truth is produced; and truth is the only force corrupters cannot defeat.

One of the most basic truths stemming from rationality is the incompetence and corruptness of corrupters. Rationality exposes corrupters for the corrupters that they are—first, by showing that corrupters are incapable of producing rationality; and then by countering the frauds of corrupters with truth which has the universe behind it.

Truth is the communicated representation of unified reality. Unified reality is all related realities that stem from the objective realities of the universe such as laws of nature. Communicating representations of unified reality link to the universe with its unquestionable laws of existence.

The result is that corrupters move into an altered state of existence in conflict with the objective realities of the universe. A reconstruction of existence is required to do that. Of course, the result can never be completed, as there is no existence apart from the universe. That means the attempt requires exploitable resources to ride upon in transitioning to a state that can never exist. When the exploits are destroyed, corrupters are destroyed.

But in the process, corrupters fight a war against all that is right. If something relates to normalcy and rationality, it must be destroyed and replaced with fakery in the motives of corrupters.

The proper philosophical definition of fascism is the socialization of corruption. The extent that corruptions are spread through society with links and common characteristics is the extent that fascism exists. In other words, fascism is a degree of corruption which goes beyond personal motives and acquires socialized motives and processes.

Nazism is the most complete form of fascism that can be created, as demonstrated by the historical Nazis of Germany. They demonstrated how the process works in an extremely crude manner due to the transition to modern technology which was exploited for destructive purposes by corrupters.

Fake science and technology could not exist under normal conditions where rationality is applied to the subjects. It takes corrupt social standards to produce fake technology. Most significant is the absence of rationality as explanation of claims. If claims were explained, corruption would be defeated.

Real scientists can explain everything they know in terms the public can understand. The darkness that permeates fake science and technology is a characteristic of fraud. It happens because corrupters consider fraud to be a virtue in promoting their wares and defeating the rationality that exposes them as the corrupters that they are.

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Gravity Waves
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Evolution Biology



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