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Getting Objective Reality Wrong

October 13, 2023

Corruption is disconnect from objective reality. In place of objective reality, corrupters rely upon consensus of like-minded persons. Like-minded means disconnected from objective reality.

The problem is, the universe determines what objective reality is. There is no substitute for the universe in defining life and solutions to problems. The substitutes used by corrupters are a joke.

That includes fake science and technology. So-called renewable energy sources put more carbon dioxide into the air than coal plants do. Electric vehicles will never have suitable charging stations. But corrupters don't care, because it's the process that gives them power, not the result.

On a small scale, the process can be more relevant than the result in generating power for incompetent corrupters; but on a large scale, the result gets highly problematic. What happens when the coal plants are gone and renewable energy is nonfunctional? What happens when normal vehicles are no longer produced and electric vehicles don't work?

Corrupters dump their problems onto vulnerable persons while exploiting the results that rational persons produced. But as corrupters take over everything, there are no exploits left and problems are not solvable.

The economy is supposedly better than it has ever been, while no one can meet all of their expenses. Even billionaires are acquiring more problems than they can buy their way out of. Saying the result is good is standard lying, which involves mechanisms of obscuring the results.

Labor statistics drifted into meaninglessness decades ago. The number for unemployed persons no longer takes into account persons who have not been working recently. That means the number should always be zero, which wouldn't look right, so a few digits are added back through various means.

The reason why no one can meet their expenses is due to the large problems which are not taken into account. Health care expenses are undefined, unpredictable and unanalyzable. Education used to be public supported. Now it bankrupts most college students. The purpose is to prevent the lower classes from getting real education.

Democrats used to make sure student loans could be paid back. Conservatives said government involvement was robbing businesses of potential income. So now students pay 8% interest compounded annually. No one can pay that much interest on a loan when they needed to borrow money to start with. Home buyers are cut off around 5%.

There is no real subject of economics, because economies involve a huge number of factors which are influenced by technology and politics more than money. So of course, inflation is always attacked by creating more inflation. Without objective reality to go by, creating problems is always the answer to everything.

The scale of the fraud becomes overwhelming, as corrupters take over everything. That's because corrupters are disconnected from objective reality. Anything goes with fake reality. Yet corrupters believe in their corruption. They assume their exploitation of results of rational persons is a product of their own brilliance. As rational results disappear, the problems become unsolvable.

Corrupters believe in their fake realities. They actually assume they are going to populate the universe by getting to distant planets light years away. Telling them that laws of physics don't allow piddling rockets to get there tells them nothing. They assume they can go through worm holes in space, because some physicist said so.

When they can't be told that one molecule in 2,500 in the atmosphere is irrelevant to climate no matter what its temperature is or what it does, they can't be told anything through scientific knowledge. For such an overwhelming social concern, there should be a measurement, some evidence and knowledge applied to the subject; but when we look, there is nothing there but fraud, such as the radiative transfer equations and unexplained claims, such as heat trapping gas.

That's subjectivity replacing objective reality. Consensus is subjectivity replacing objective reality. "Scientists must know" and "How could all those scientists be wrong" is subjectivity replacing objective reality, as if science were a fleeting error to be replaced by imagination, hearsay and rumor.

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