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Sociology Of Corruption  25

Getting Inflation Wrong


November 24, 2021

Inflation is caused by disruptions in the economy or anything that increases cost of production. So economist add disruptions to the economy to reduce inflation.

Economists (prevailing ones) don't know what inflation is, probably due to going to the same college as Trump. They don't have a clear description of inflation, but it is often somewhere in the area of financial problems or the absurd opposite: an increase in the money supply, since some small countries create their inflation by printing too much currency.

Just as physicists can't add and subtract, economists can't figure out what inflation is. And for the same reason: They want a formula that erases the need to understand what they are doing.

The economists' formula for inflation says there needs to be fewer workers to lower inflation, as if they didn't know that fewer workers means encumbered production. Encumbered production means more expensive products. Couldn't any idiot figure that out? Not the economists.

Inflation is most definitively seen as an increase in the cost of products. Economists know that but ignore it assuming that some financial quirkiness or an increase in the amount of money in existence is the equivalent of price increase. They don't know what causes prices to increase, because they don't know how products are produced, not having worked eight-hour-per-day jobs.

Prices increase when the cost of producing increases. Any encumbrance to production causes the increase, which is often the opposite of money supply.

What is an encumbrance to production? Economists don't have a clue, so they look at money graphs to evaluate inflation while encumbering production through such insanity as putting people out of work to lower inflation, even though it always increases inflation.

During the late 1970s and early 1980s, economists increased interest rates to lower inflation, while the result pushed inflation up to 23%, before other factors stopped the insanity and brought inflation back down. Their purpose in doing that is to put people out of work to lower inflation, while it always increases inflation. It's as if they were trying to shove people out of the economy as their fix for economic problems. They seem to have a mind warp along conservative lines that tells them the economy can't supply the lower classes and must be restricted to a few privileged characters, before the economy can be gotten under control.

The reason why economists can't think straight is that incompetents pushed their way into the social structures to monger power, and they need corruption to succeed, because rationality defeats them. They need a solution that allows them to dominate and prevail by putting themselves above others. Only corruption does that. So incompetent corrupters look for a solution that puts others below their own feet. If workers are worse off, the result must be how to lower inflation.

Of course, rationalizing is required for all corruption. Step one, find a noble purpose to claim, such as loving the kids and pets more than anyone else. Then add some economic nonsense to the equation, and the result is whatever end point puts incompetent corrupters in control of our lives.

Lowering the cost of products requires more efficient and effective production—anathema to incompetent corrupters. So they create inflation under the pretense of lowering inflation.

To make production more efficient and effective requires rationality. But rationality puts the enemies of incompetent corrupters in control—anathema to incompetent corrupters.

Corrupters believe in their corruptions. If it is an effective weapon against enemies, it must be truth.

The underlying logic of conservatives and economists is that corporations cannot produce enough products, unless the government provides assistance to corporations or the lower classes are shoved out of the economy. It takes an assumption of credibility to promote such nonsense.

That's because incompetent power mongers assume there are not enough resources to sustain an economy for everyone; and therefore, economic problems must be due to too many consumers and the solution must be to reduce the number of consumers.

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