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Heat Pump Fraud


May 12, 2023

Heat pumps are promoted along with so-called renewable energy (as solar and wind power); and the same type of fraud occurs with both. Supposedly, extracting energy from the atmosphere is carbon free (clean) energy.

It's fraudulent word salad by incompetent corrupters who don't have a clue what they are talking about. Extracting energy from the atmosphere is so unrealistic that it is bankrupting the affluent societies and destroying environments and resources. There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to replace ten percent of society's energy with fake renewables for use in electric vehicles.

Renewable doesn't mean unlimited supply; and it doesn't mean practical methodology. Energy in the atmosphere is so dilute that extracting it is totally impractical, both for so-called renewables and heat pumps. The metals are already in short supply. The extraction process is dirty, expensive, environmentally destructive and socially intolerable.

Transmission lines cost more than sources for renewables, while length of lines must be increased by a factor of thousands due to remoteness of renewables and distribution for electric vehicles. Petroleum energy was placed near cities to eliminate transmission lines, while renewables are located hundreds or thousands of miles away.

Heat pumps look practical under ideal conditions, where temperatures are not extreme and rich people don't care what electricity costs, which is almost never when scaled socially.

One of the major problems is that electricity is the most wasteful form of energy, because the energy of electricity is lost to heat in equipment and transmission lines. Electrons flowing through metal are that way. Electrons bump into atoms creating heat, which is wasted energy. Seventy to ninety percent of the energy going into electricity is lost to heat at this time before getting to consumers, and the loss increases with renewables.

But the public assumes otherwise being lied to by power mongers driven to destroy rationality which exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. Why are corrupters allowed to use such terms as "carbon free," "clean energy" and "renewable energy?" Because society is assuming power is truth, knowledge and virtue. So the criticism that used to occur is no longer being allowed.

Heat pumps are not practical in northern areas where temperatures get cold during winters. Additional sources of heat must be added, while electric bills go off the graphs. That's because there isn't enough heat in cold air to be removed in a realistic manner by heat pumps. The public isn't being told that by the propagandists.

Corruption is that way. It keeps getting more and more perverse until it results in Nazism. All corruption is the same in its driving forces. As long as power is assumed to be the answer to everything, Nazism will be the result. Fascism is already taking over political process and is approaching Nazism in its war against vulnerable persons.

Fake science and technology are instrumental in generating the overwhelming fascism by putting corrupters in control of our lives. All elements of society are corrupted as a result. The methodology is to prevent criticism and destroy critics as supposedly necessary to solve society's problems due to the impending doom of greenhouse gases.

Supposedly, it's the rationality and criticism that stand in the way of implementing solutions to problems related to greenhouse gases. The Nazis never had it so good.

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Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
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Greenhouse Gases
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Renewable Energy
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