The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  98

How Social Layers Work

April 28, 2023

Truth comes from the bottom of society, while disconnection from reality occurs at the top. There is too much complexity to that subject to completely unravel it, which is why it doesn't get discussed. But there is so much defiance and contradiction to the subject of layering that some elements need to be taken up.

The simplest fact is that the persons with problems need to solve problems, which requires truth and rationality. This fact is extremely obvious at the bottom of society but unheard of at the top.

A closely related concern is that corruption falls on vulnerable persons, which means the bottom of society; and the victims need to oppose the corruption, which requires criticism.

In spite of those forces and needs, there is a lot of contradictions to the results produced by corrupters at the bottom even as victims. In other words, corrupt persons do not respond to their problems in "proper" or constructive ways; and there can be corrupters at the bottom of society as well as at the top.

Corrupters at the bottom of society are trying to do what corrupters at the top are doing to please them and try to get to the top by perpetrating the same type of corruptions as the persons at the top. Conspiracies flow downward in the attempts to include as many persons as possible in generating the power of numbers. The power of numbers is the ultimate determining factor in how far corruption can go.

Going up the social scale, influences shape realities and forces creating an environment which does not allow much for alternatives. A person becomes a part of that environment or they are not in that environment.

Therefore, looking at the highest layers of society tell how the realities and forces take form around power. One of the main characteristics of the environment at the top of society is superficiality. That means disconnect from the relevance that determines cause-and-effect relationships through the reality medium which defines life and solutions to problems.

A force medium replaces the reality medium where there is power, as social power is the use of force to dominate. That's not to say no one can exist in that environment without defying the corruptions of power and related consequences. It simply says that a lot of defying is required to change the standard.

So there needs to be a much better understanding of what superficiality means. It's primarily an absence of basic realities which determine cause-and-effect relationships in the reality medium. Basic realities are abstract and largely developed as knowledge. There is no significant knowledge base to superficial realities.

Examples do wonders for clarifying such abstractions. One of the most significant examples is the promotion of fake science and technology. The fakery is so far removed from credibility that few persons are unaware of the fakery. A few get carried along not knowing, which probably includes a lot of the youngsters. But the promoters of the fakery don't care what the truth is, they have an infinite variety of motives for promoting the corruption.

One of the most significant facts about fake science and technology is the absence of normal standards of verification processes. Why not find out? Because there are too many motives and forces preventing normal standards of rationality from being tolerated around such highly developed frauds. "The science is settled," and anyone who says otherwise is in the same category as terrorists. That means respectable persons do not have the option of questioning the result if they wanted to as demonstrated by oil companies and others who must "greenwash" a fake concern or be destroyed by the courts. "Fact checking" defines the frauds as infallible realities.

That problem could not have developed without the most superficial realities creating the environment where power is controlled. Any concern for knowledge-based realities would have blocked the frauds from getting developed.

A major element of this subject is how conspiracies are promoted in exploiting fraud for power. Taking over the social structures and converting them into power structures which can be arbitrated by incompetent corrupters is a major element of conspiracies.

Once power structures exist, they are used to put corrupters in positions of power. The power is then used to eradicate rationality from the sociology. Having know-nothing journalists promote fake science and technology is how that process works. Not only do the know-nothings explain nothing, they prevent criticism of the frauds under the pretense of spotless perfection being degraded by criticism.

An absence of explanation of claims is only possible in an environment devoid of rationality and a knowledge-based set of realities to operate from. Instead of science derived from standards of measurement creating a knowledge base, fake science is based on weather and numerous other vagaries proving the science of greenhouse gases.

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