The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  102

Reshaping Realities

May 25, 2023

Corrupters are reshaping realities for social control. Without truth in the way, arbitrary whim prevails over rationality.

Opposition to woke has that purpose—to get truth and rationality out of the way of corrupters in taking over our lives.

Fake science and technology imposed onto society by know-nothings with no criticism being allowed set the standard of fakery replacing rationality.

Rationality requires explanation of claims. The fakes are not capable of explaining science and technology.

It's strange that corrupters need a particular version of reality, while they spend their lives lying. They seem to need fake reality as much as rational persons need truth. Actually, more so, because corrupters are trying to defy the universe, which is more demanding than evaluating the universe.

Incompetent corrupters are driven to acquire power in their attempts to get more out of life than their incompetence produces. Power means prevailing over other persons for personal gain at everyone else's expense.

That means there is no such thing as power that is constructive in society. Humans are supposed to be solving problems to sustain life. That process is destroyed by inserting power for personal gain.

Power is not the same thing as legitimate authority, which has prescribed purposes and limits related to activity. Legitimate authority does not have the purpose of shaping realities.

Solving problems means rationality applied to the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems. Subjective and personal concerns cannot be allowed to interfere with the process of aligning upon objective reality through rationality.

Just as rationality requires proper alignment upon the objective realities of the universe; subverting that process requires realities to be redirected to rationalize destructivity through fraud.

An analogy would be criminals going into a bank pretending to be preaching religion, while they walk out with stolen loot. The realities are tailored for misrepresenting the criminality.

Similarly, all of physics beyond Newton's laws consists of tailored realities for disguising the criminality of incompetents mongering power. The purpose of physicists is to acquire power, which means personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Why not acquire power for good and noble purposes? It's the assumption of corrupters that corruption is used for good purposes.

The fallacy of that assumption is that there is no way to disconnect from the universe that defines life and solutions to problems without a destructive result. No one can construct an alternative universe. That means mixing corrupt purposes with universal realities is like pouring polluted water into clean water as a supposed improvement.

Of course, the only reason corrupters assume there is some value in corruption is because the purpose of corruption is to produce a quick fix for the personal problems that obsess corrupters, not to give other persons something of worth that would widen the gap between corrupters and constructive persons.

In other words, corrupters are opposed to real improvements through constructivity, because their problems would increase due to the betterment of others.

Corrupters assume they are being left behind by the complexities of life, because they can't handle complexities, while their opponents can. For that reason, one of the primary purposes of corrupters is to reduce complexities to simpler forms. Could that not be a good thing?

Reducing complexities to simpler forms is like reversing evolution. Why not? Corrupters don't understand such complexities as evolution; so they don't understand why evolution cannot be reversed, or more simply why complexities cannot be destroyed and replaced with something simpler that is easier for corrupters to handle.

What would happen if dinosaurs were brought back to life and placed in a forest? The dinosaurs would not be able to eat modern vegetation, because it would be too woody and embedded with cellulose. Corrupters miss the fact that everything complex is surrounded by an infinite number of relationships to other realities which cannot be destroyed and still leave anything functional.

That problem is what is being missed in "bringing the manufacturing back." There was an evolutionary process in shifting manufacturing to Asia. The industrialists moved operations to Asia for a reason. Defying that reason would be bad enough. To then assume the resulting evolution can be defied is like bringing the dinosaurs back to life.

More specifically, globalization shifted the consumer base out of the nationalistic domain and into a global domain. Manufacturing was fractionated and more specialized. The necessity was created by increased complexities related to digitalization.

Turning the clock back on that process is an impossibility. To nationalize the process eliminates the multifaceted manufacturing and increases expense ratio by reducing the customer base.

All types of fakery create such problems. Fakery is no substitute for real results. Reductionistic attempts to reverse evolution of complexities destroy whole processes.

What harm is there in faking gravity wave measurements? The reason why it occurs is the reason why it is harmful. Why produce fake physics? The purpose is to increase the power of incompetents by impressing gullible fools. Only criminals do that, not constructive persons.

What harm do physicists do in mongering power? They destroy energy and transportation systems to remove a critical nutrient from the atmosphere which is already in short supply.

Corrupters strip government of laws trying to eliminate impositions upon themselves and reduce complexities to a level of simplicity that they can manage. They want to use the power of government for their personal gain while acting out whims with no demands getting in their way.

Nazism is where that process leads in modern, complex societies. Gassing the worthless eaters reduces complexities to the degree of simplicity that allows corrupters to act on arbitrary whims. Creating a fake Arian race reduced social complexities to the level of simplicity that corrupters could manage. The white supremacy being promoted by conservatives is an attempt to strip away social complexities which place demands upon corrupters.

Conservatives have been trying to get rid of government since Reagan years—not replace the existing government with a newer form but get rid of government—to flush it down the drain—to starve the beast. Of course, they want to exploit the power of government for personal gain; but they want to get rid of the demands imposed upon them by government in arbitrating our lives on the basis of contradictory whims, which is totalitarianism.

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

Gravity Wave Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gases
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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