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On Line Is Transitory


March 19, 2023

On line can be known to be transitory, because everything about it has been transitory. It transitions from partially functional to hijacking everyone's lives.

The motive shows the nature of the problem. The motive is to take over other persons' lives. That's not a stable motive, as people don't accept that result on a long-term basis. They get tired of being molested awful fast. (which peripherally shows that corruption leads to molestation on its path to terrorism)

There hardly needs to be an explanation for what molestation means. For on-line activities is means such things as monthly payments instead of one lump sum. The monthly payments require access to your bank account outside your own control, which includes no ability to disconnect you bank account information, hell or high water. In other words, hijacking your life, inside and out.

Another element of the problem is the transition from providing information or service to controlling the user. The internet started as a so-called information super highway. It no longer exists as such.

Information is rapidly becoming nonexistent on the internet, as searching is cut off after the official web sites, kiddie questions and minimal sales pitches. It's why businesses have to now sell through Amazon: They no longer have visibility on the internet.

But the problem is not in the mechanics of the process; it's in the motives. The motives result in stripping information out of previous sources, which is particularly noticeable in Wikipedia.

Wikipedia is rapidly losing its functionality due to no useable information. There are many mechanisms used to strip information from Wikipedia. The layout puts garbage at the top which no one is interested in, such as thirteenth century history and terminology transformations. Then combining information pages creates unusably long strings which no one can wade through. A word linked to a page on Wikipedia disappears on an endless page which would take hours to find.

The purpose is quite apparent. The original purpose was designed for functionality, where words were easy to find and content was short enough to wade through. Categories were separated out, so unnecessary material was not in the way.

The motive was most obvious from day one of the internet. The controllers were going out of their minds trying to get the crazies off the internet. My web site would disappear for weeks at a time and then appear again, while the controllers experimented with methodology.

Now the motive is less obvious while the result has been largely accomplished. The crazies were gotten off the internet by reducing the internet to nonfunctionality. In its place is social media, which is not designed for information but distraction. Distraction eliminates interference in power mongers controlling society.

Power mongers are driven by a need to eradicate rationality from the social order, because rationality exposes them as the corrupters that they are. Without rationality, they can disappear in the background with no evidence of their methods or purposes, while the result is to reduce human existence to nonfunctionality.

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