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Policing Themselves


June 21, 2023

A lot of persons claim there can be no errors in science, because science is self-correcting. What is self-correcting? There hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced in hundreds of years—that is, apart from the peripherals which are mostly engineering.

A few years ago, Congressman Dingle set up a hearing to look into science corruption. The scientists held a meeting and decided they would police themselves; and that was the end of Dingle's hearing.

Power mongers supposedly fix themselves. The lower classes are guilty until proven otherwise. Power determines the virtue. There is no policing about it.

The whole purpose of government was to say otherwise. If there were no corruption, there would be no government. So of course, corrupters want to get rid of government.

The purpose of government is to find solutions to society's problems. Corruption is the source of society's problems. Properly derived laws are determined by experience. Getting the public involved is required to prevent exploitation of the process, which is called democracy.

Why would power mongers be so impeccable that they don't need such methodology? Power is only needed to corrupt, not to solve problems. Corrupters monger power to overwhelm opponents, not to solve problems. So why should they police themselves? Only to solidify their power.

Now we are told that the Supreme Court will police itself and Congress has nothing to say about it because of "separation of powers." That isn't what separation of powers means. It means the power to determine results, not the power to determine methodology and ethics. If congress can determine what presidents and bureaucrats can or cannot do, they can determine what the supreme court can and cannot do.

The Supreme Court interprets laws and tells presidents and Congress whether their results are allowed. Is that separation of powers? Congress creates laws; and it's duty is to tell the Supreme Court whether their procedures and ethics are acceptable.

Why is the number of justices on the Supreme Court being argued? It seems someone has some say about the numbers. Why isn't the ethics standard just as important? The contempt for ethics that continues to be shown says society needs to get more involved in the process to make democracy work.

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How Power Mongering Works

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