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Quantitative Fraud


June 1, 2023

All corruption of science and technology involves quantitative fraud, because quantitation requires evaluation and corrupters do not evaluate.

For that reason, quantitative fraud is a very simple gimmick for misrepresenting. A small amount of quantitative fraud can overwhelm an entire subject such as greenhouse gases. There is not enough carbon dioxide in the air to be relevant to climate; and there is not enough radiation of the type carbon dioxide absorbs to be relevant to climate. Yet the public is convinced that those effects are so large they are destroying the planet.

Similarly, the pretense is promoted that nothing in climate has ever been different from recent conditions and only human activity alters it. Look at any of the graphs, and the assumed (but untrue) human effects are buried in monumental variations throughout geological history.

Carbon Dioxide Graph

The actual increase in carbon dioxide in the air is systematic and seasonally dependent, as the graph below shows. That's because the oceans determine how much carbon dioxide is in the air and the oceans have been increasing in temperature, as they always do between ice ages, which have been very closely spaced. Warmer oceans release more carbon dioxide and colder oceans absorb more.

CO2 Seasonal Variations

Ten times as much carbon dioxide moves into and out of the oceans per year (90 giga tons) as humans produce per year (8.6 giga tons, a few years ago), which means the oceans produce the determining influence. (Oregon Institute Of Science And Medicine)

Quantitative fraud shows up in all of the fakery of conservative propaganda such as economic catastrophe that liberals supposedly produce and conservatives supposedly fix. Reagan said he wasn't going to saddle his grandchildren with the federal debt. So increased it by a factor of ten from $800 billion (That's billion, not trillion.) to $8 trillion without the slightest concern for the actual numbers.

Therefore, corrupters search out any miniscule effect they can rationalize as a supposed determining influence. If they can find a fly spec and apply it to some fraud, it could be the cause of some catastrophe which they supposedly fix without the slightest explanation or concern.

A large part of biology now days is called quantitative biology, because quantifying measurements is how complexities are evaluated. Numbers are compared. The differences in numbers show what is happening.

In fact, physicists carry quantitation to an extreme using statistical methods as their primary source of information. The created methods of doing statistics are actually too fraudulent for real since, but so is everything else in physics. So physicists do number crunching as their version of truth. It shows how conveniently quantitation can be used to generate fraud. In real science, the methods of producing the numbers are where the evidence is produced. In physics, the methods are total fakery, which began with Joule's Constant in 1845.

Another variation on quantitative fraud is the DeJoy method. As the Trump-appointed head of the Post Office, DeJoy said all first class mail must go by truck instead of airplane, as if something were gained in doing so. Nothing is gained. Air transport is cheaper for first class mail, because unused space in commercial planes is used. And of course, everything about trucks is more expensive including the indirect effects of environmental damage. It takes two weeks for a first class letter to go across the country by Truck, where three days was the maximum for first class letters before DeJoy, as if time were no factor in addition to the pollution and expense. Those are quantitative reversals with no explanations.

Joule's Fraud

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

The March To Fascism

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
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Draining The Economy Dry
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The March To Fascism
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Greenhouse Gases
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Gravity Waves
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