The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  128

The Replication Problem


September 11, 2023

Strivers use replication as the path to power. It cuts them off from knowledge and constructivity. Then they design computers to do the same thing and call it artificial intelligence—claiming computers are going to produce more knowledge than humans.

The problem with replicating is that it can never align adequately with objective reality; so it runs into conflict with objective reality. Why not? Idiots assume they can design a state of existence independent of some nonsense about objective reality produced through some insanity called rationality.

The universe determines what the result will be. Fly through the sun and then tell us about the wizardry of fraud.

They get there as replicators. That means they judiciously study what some other fraud did in acquiring power to see if they can acquire power doing the same thing. Replicating is how it is done.

The objective realities of the universe determine the requirements for life and solving problems. As human life gets complex, the requirements for sustaining life by solving problems get complex. Complex means every element of the objective realities acquires a uniqueness. Unique means replicating doesn't get there.

To replicate is to borrow. It starts by basing education on memorizing. Why memorize? To replicate. Doing that prevents knowledge from being acquired as abstract evaluation. All knowledge is abstract, because it is a human construct for the purpose of representing obscure, nonperceivable, relationships between realities in complexities.

Knowledge that is demanding is not an exact fit. It always needs to be improved. But nothing else is close to adequate in managing complexities. That means, to replicate some irrelevant and inadequate use of words couldn't be farther from knowledge in aligning upon the requirements of the objective realities of the universe.

Word salad is the result replicating produces. What is there to replicate besides words? Some math equations get replicated in a similar manner by physicists, which disconnects them from objective reality. Physicists assume an equation which is balanced is fact. It's similar to scholasticism. When they win arguments and no one can prove them wrong, they supposedly represent laws of the universe.

The reason why it matters is because it puts incompetent power mongers in control of the social structures which they use for personal gain at everyone else's expense. Why does that result occur? Because the winners are supposedly superior persons, while all they are is incompetent frauds.

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