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Reindustrialization Fallacy

June 19, 2023

Trying to redesign industry is like trying to re-create a tree. Replacing evolution doesn't work.

Politicians are in no position to be imposing complex realities. They are out of contact with related realities. Industrialists kept explaining why they went off shore. They were ignored. Defying them now is nothing but expensive failure.

There aren't enough people in the United States to re-industrialize. Industrialists kept saying over and over, they can't get the workers; and inadequate education makes the problem worse. That was twenty years ago. Now It's more impossible to get workers, particularly since the immigrants are less available.

But that's only the half of it. The other half is that nationalization of industry is not competitive. Who is going to buy the products? The enemies that Trump created by kicking everyone in the face to get a better deal?

Globalization totally changed the dynamics and economy of industries. Everything now days must be more specialized and marketed to global consumers. It also requires the ecology that creates efficiency. Not knowing that shows why experience and specialization are more important than ever. Yet the Trump mentality is taking over the social order assuming any incompetents with gut feelings and the right values (which means Arians) can replace experienced persons.

Degrees are no substitute for experience, knowledge and specialization. Half or more of the degrees go to incompetents. That means qualifications need to be real, not faked. Steve Jobs only had a few months of college but electronic experience. That allowed him to defy the power structures in creating the smart phone. He was kicked out of the company he created, until it went bankrupt and let him back in. It shows the difference between worthless paper and knowing what you are doing.

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