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Reality Is Not Agreement

May 5, 2023

A common assumption is that reality can be changed and usually needs to be, because reality is agreement. What is missed is that the universe will always determine what reality is. Humans don't have that option.

Even worse is the assumption that rationality aligned upon the universe is the ruination of man, because it strips everyone of the right to redesign reality around motives. Guess what. The universe is never going to listen to that insanity; it will always determine what reality is.

Can anyone change gravity to go upward through agreement? Can anyone get an automobile to work better with three wheels? Where is that boundary between the unchangeable universe and the whims that change realities? There is no such difference. Humans have no options in determining what reality is.

Then there is the concept that people can control and shape their environments. Is that not changing realities? No it isn't. Moving things around is not changing realities.

Here's the difference: If a chair is out of place, isn't moving it into place changing the realities? No. It's aligning upon the universe that determines what the right place and wrong place are.

Then there is the opposite effect. If someone moves a chair out of place, are they not defying the universe? They exactly are, but the result is destruction of life.

That means people can make modifications in reality; but they destroy life doing so. Life is sustained by aligning upon the universe rather than defying it.

Destroyers temporarily defy the universe in changing what reality is; but destruction of life is the result, not the improvement that is assumed by redesigning agreements.

Did Trump's followers succeed in pretending that Trump had the election stolen from him? Some went to jail trying to impose that assumption through insurrection, because the destructivity of the lie and violence were not acceptable.

Aligning realities upon the universe is called rationality. Rationality means evaluation of relationships between realities to determine if they are properly aligned upon the universe. That's a demanding process which incompetent corrupters try to defy. They assume they can destroy rationality and resulting truth to get more out of life; but they fail in doing so.

Reagan said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. Explaining is the essence of rationality. It shows that Reagan assumed rationality is a corruption. And he assumed trying to be a winner is the purpose that everyone has. Mongering power is what being a winner means.

Just because producing rationality is difficult doesn't mean that an easier alternative can replace rationality. It's stupid to assume replacing difficult demands with easy alternatives will improve something.

It's the persons who have problems—vulnerable and low class persons—who need to solve problems and use rationality to do so. Upper class persons can avoid problems; so they seek easy paths, which results in superficial realities instead of the difficult complexities needed to solve problems.

And abracadabra, that's a large part of where the war against the lower classes comes from. Corrupters don't want low class persons imposing the demands of rationality onto them in attempts to solve problems. So they try to destroy the lower classes as a method of getting rid of the difficulties related to solving problems. Nazism is the most complete manifestation of that motive.

The proof of the pudding for corrupters is the bliss of power. Power is used to disconnect from reality, which supposedly proves that disconnecting from reality is the answer to everything.

In fact, corruption is used to acquire power, which supposedly means that rationality is for fools. What is being missed is that power is acquired and used to destroy life, while someone else has to solve problems through rationality.

There is no such thing as constructive social power, because the purpose of power is to impose force onto other persons through domination. Power is needed to extract and exploit; but where do the exploits come from? Only from constructive persons applying rationality to solving problems.

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