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Sociology Of Corruption  99

Fraud Standards And Purposes In Science

May 12, 2023

Fascists are taking over everything based on destructivity, as if standards and purposes were a corruption. Constructivity requires standards and purposes to sustain life.

Corrupters try to shortcut procedures through criminality, pretending that the quick fix of criminality is superior to rationality. Quick fix is how they measure their worth and promote their wares. Demagoguery is promoted as the quick fix being superior to the demands of constructivity.

Science not only tells what life consists of, it creates the standards and purposes that sustain life. There must be openness and accountability in science to correct errors and increase knowledge.

Supposedly, corrupters can accomplish more from darkness than rational persons can accomplish through demanding standards and purposes; and therefore science is for fools. Related to the quick fix from darkness is opposition to government and laws. Whim is supposedly superior to ordered existence, because whim allows a quicker fix, as if speed and simplicity were needed to solve problems rather than rationality.

How do you know if a Hitler is going to gas enemies as the quick fix for social problems? A lot of persons are reverting to Nazi purposes assuming that destroying vulnerable persons will solve their problems. Do the good people use whim and darkness for more noble purposes? Who says so without standards and purposes?

"First they came for the Jews, and I said nothing, etc.....and lastly they came for me" is the quote by Martin Niemoller. What anyone does to their enemies, they do to everyone. That's why Biden tries to deal with everyone equally. He learned that standard from Christian Scriptures.

Solutions have to apply to and involve everyone, or they don't exist as solutions. That means standards and purposes need to be openly and accountably produced. Openness and accountability means everyone is involved instead of a few criminals deciding in the dark on the basis of their ignorance and whims.

Why then should science be producing fakery and fraud? There is no real science without openness and accountability. How much openness and accountability is there in "on par with coal" or "the science is settled?" Supposedly, there is not enough time to get science right. Frauds have been saying that for decades, while they destroy environments, resources and economies to remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

A helicopter on Mars is total fraud. There is only one percent as much atmosphere on Mars as on Earth, which means a helicopter is an impossibility. Helicopters are too marginal on Earth to function with much reduced atmospheric pressure. (The pressure drops to one percent with one percent as much atmosphere. That means one percent as much lifting power plus additional reductions due to less viscosity.)

Gravity wave measurements supposedly measure motion at 100 million times smaller than the vibration of atoms. That's like measuring one inch with a ruler which vibrates between Chicago and Los Angeles. Why not something more credible? Because incompetent corrupters taking over science to monger power need to destroy rationality to prevail.

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Gravity Wave Measurement Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Fraud Is Needed To Monger Power
Corruption As Void
Draining The Economy Dry
Consensus As Rightness
Why Corruption
Why Nazism
The March To Fascism
Corruption Is An Ethic
Radiative Transfer Equations
Greenhouse Gases
Firing Scientists
Electricity Problem
Gravity Waves
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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