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Shaping Reality

January 15, 2021

It's preposterous how Trump followers view reality. How do they get reality so incredible? There are several methods.

One method of producing incredibly false reality is what psychologists call projection. It's reflecting reality back onto opponents by accusing them of what they themselves are guilty of. If they steal a car, accuse the victim of stealing their own car. Then each accusation is supposed to be equal and the truth is neutralized.

Another method is to borrow reality. Corrupters have difficulty figuring out what reality is. So they borrow reality from other minds. Someone else's reality has a greater probability of being correct. If it is an opponent's reality, it has to be tailed to reverse the motives. If opponents assume they are stealing an election, accuse the opponents of stealing the election.

The reason why corrupters can promote incredible reality and expect it to be credible is because they do not use objective reality as the determining influence of what reality should be. Without objective reality, any mixture of reality is as good as any other.

In that process, realities are mixed and matched for purposes. Whatever suits the purpose is the mixture that is used.

Rational persons can determine what is credible based on objective reality. To determine what objective reality is is a continuous process. Over a life-time, the nature of objective reality builds into a substantial set of assumptions.

What happens when that life-time of building objective reality doesn't exist? Reality becomes fluid and tailored for purposes with no concept of what credibility is.

Why would anyone try to get reality from sources that are not credible? It's because they need such sources. Corrupters want reality to be fluid and tailored. If reality is aligned upon objective reality, that's liberalism gone awry. So traditional sources are scorned instead of used for information.

Then add social media to the brew. It allows realities to be mixed and molded to increase effectiveness as a weapon. Weaponized reality is not supposed to be credible; it's supposed to be destructive. The military doesn't use ice cream to attack opponents. Yet rational persons expect corrupters to love them. That isn't the way corrupters do things.

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