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The Relevance OF Winning

March 8, 2023

Corrupters acquire the impression that the purpose of life is to be a winner. That's why Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. Explaining claims is the first requirement of rationality. Only rational persons are not trying to be winners.

Rationality and winning are incompatible purposes, because rationality is alignment upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and the solutions to problems, while winning is alignment upon oneself. There is no way to accidentally be rational without concerted effort aligned upon objective realities. It would be like accidentally fixing an electronic device without knowing a thing about it.

Alignment upon the objective realities of the universe requires a lot of difficult effort in acquiring knowledge and producing truth and justice. Being a difficult task causes corrupters to assume only fools would undertake such a purpose.

Does that mean corrupters assume everything that exists was produced without knowledge, truth and justice? It absolutely does. Corrupters assume everything comes out of a dark pit of destructivity, because that's where winners reside.

Reagan broke every law in the book to be a winner including attempts by Congress to prevent him from murdering rice farmers in Nicaragua to stop communism. To get elected, he tried to negotiate with the Iranians, as a private citizen, to have them not release hostages before the 1980 election, so Carter would look like an incompetent. Trading weapons for hostages after Reagan got elected was part of the bargain.

Reaganism prevailed over rationality for forty years in destroying government and laws through so-called deregulation, before the resulting fascism put Trump in power. Government is the problem, Reagan said. The corollary is that Trump is the answer.

It's why the know-nothings in journalism put Trump in power the first time and appear to be doing so the second time. They assume being a winner is the purpose of life; and Trump is the promoter of winning.

One of the things winners do is disconnect from losers. Being incapable of functioning constructively, corrupters assume they are what they are in contact with. Trump surrounds himself with gold paint assuming it makes him worth gold. He also disconnects from losers in a concerted manner degrading everyone he once associated with when they become losers, so they don't contaminate his worth and make him a loser.

Corrupters fight a war against the lower classes for the same reason Trump degrades the losers whom he tries to disconnect from. The assumption of corrupters is that the lower classes will degrade the social order by putting people in contact with losers. Somehow, destroying the lower classes is supposed to fix that problem. It seems to corrupters to be the method required for disconnecting from losers. But doesn't destroying the lower classes create more losers? Corrupters do not evaluate. Whether destroying the lower classes creates more losers is an evaluation.

In place of evaluation, corrupters move in a direction. The result is then supposed to be an improvement. What if they got the direction wrong? They operate by feel; and what feels good is their assumption of the right direction and purpose in life. Being a winner gives them that impression and direction in life.

Destructivity gives corrupters the impression that winning is the purpose in life. That's because winning is prevailing against other persons. No one can function constructively while being prevailed against (dominated by) someone else.

But isn't dominating to be a winner the source of everything? Corrupters get that impression by exploiting the results of other persons. Exploitation results in corrupters acquiring the impression that destructivity is the answer to everything, because it takes destructivity to exploit.

Exploitation is destroying something to gain something. There is less of everything afterwards; but knowing that is evaluation and corrupters do not evaluate.

Exploitation starts with the functional results that rationality produces and reduces the result to rubble. The first step is like magic. It produces the usual result with no input requirements. It's the equivalent of robbing a bank. Why work, when robbing banks solves all problems? What happens when the banks are destroyed? That's what exploitation is.

An example is electric vehicles. Plug in an electric vehicle; and the cost is one tenth that of a tank of gas. That was a few years ago, when electrical systems were designed for toasters. Now plug in the electric vehicle; and it costs more than a tank of gas. And the process hasn't quite gotten started yet.

Exploitation is how incompetent power mongers replace social structures with power structures for personal gain. Rationality is replaced with word salad which has no meaning. The "good of all" is replaced with domination. Government based on laws is replaced with totalitarian whims. Democracy is replaced with fascism. It's a temporary process, because it is based on crime instead of constructivity.

While frauds have someone else's results to exploit, they are supposedly the answer to everything—about like the Mafia is the answer to banking.

The March To Fascism

Electric Vehicles

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