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Values Replace Results

October 26, 2020

Results are demanding to produce requiring rationality, knowledge and standards. What happens without rationality, knowledge and standards? Values replace results.

Only rational persons can be told. Irrational persons cannot. Telling means describing, explaining and mathematically proving. Such effort gets nowhere with corrupters, because they are disconnected from reality.

A lot of problems result from being disconnected from reality. You would think that the solution would be rationality, knowledge and standards. But corrupters are hopelessly disconnected from constructivity. So they have to find some other solution to their problems.

What corrupters do is align with other corrupters to create a social force. Maybe a social force will solve their problems. It never does.

So corrupters look for someone who knows how to solve problems without rationality, knowledge or standards. Such persons are called demagogues. They lead by values, not by results.

Corrupters look to values as the solution to their problems. Demagogues claim they can solve all problems, because they have the right values. Surely, results will flow from the values. But they never do.

Getting results to flow from values is the substitute for rational existence that corrupters create. Results flowing from values have no identifiable source or methods. The results are supposed to come out of nowhere. The resulting failures are not viewed as failures, because the right values must be adding something to the attempts.

So the failures are lied about in the attempt to promote the values that go with the failures. The lies are not lies when they promote the right values, because the failures are only a minor part of the process; promoting the right values is more important. The right values combined with failures equals success.

Corrupters win for losing by combining their values with their failures and lying about the success.

It's like saying, someone needs to go to jail for ripping off a car salesman in buying a used car. What's wrong about buying a car? Doesn't matter. Someone else can figure that out. The person's a criminal, because someone said so. Objective reality is not relevant to the question. Only the emotions, whining and accusations are relevant.

That's how Trump campaigns. In fact, it's how he runs the economy and ends the pandemic. It's what he spends his time on twitter for—ramming emotionalist lying onto the world. It only works because like-minded emotionalist liars want that standard to replace rationality.

It's being a winner that determines right-from-wrong to corrupters. When a winner gets by with emotionalist lying, it's truth, knowledge and the answer to everything.

Why Demagogues

How Constructivity Works

Replacing Rational Existence

The March To Fascism

Corruption Is An Ethic

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is TOP



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