The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  114

Why Being Winners


July 14, 2023

Corrupters assume the purpose in existence is to be winners. That's because winning is the fix for losers who are exposed as the incompetent corrupters that they are where there is rationality. Corrupters are obsessed with their personal problems; and winning is the answer. So they translate that result into a universal truism that says winning is the answer to everything.

How is winning defined? Prevailing over rationality is the only definition that fits the purpose.

Rationality means relating to the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems. Explaining claims is the primary method of producing rationality. When doing that, corruption and incompetence are exposed for what they are.

Incompetent corrupters interpret rationality as an attack upon themselves, because they are always losers where there is rationality. So they retaliate against rational persons as being the enemies who supposedly oppose them, even if rational persons don't know they exist. In other words, corrupters can't tell the difference between objective reality and personal attack.

To prevail over rationality, corrupters need the power to dominate. Prevailing over rationality and dominating destroy life, which is corruption. Corruption is that which destroys life.

The result is that corrupters shift the purpose of human existence from sustaining life and solving problems as defined by the objective realities of the universe to a subjective, feel-good purpose in conflict with the objective realities required for sustaining life and solving problems.

That means the more corrupters destroy, they more they become winners. But they translate the result as the opposite. Destroying, to them, is only destroying in terms of objective realities produced through rationality, while the more important result is that it solves their problem of being losers.

So corrupters have a quasi philosophy that says being winners is a superior state to objectively solving problems; and therefore destroying is the required methodology for achieving the only acceptable purpose in existence. To destroy something is to achieve the highest state of existence.

Since they can't deny that some of the destroying is not good for themselves, they assume they only need to do that much destroying because of the increased need created by opponents. They assume they would not have to do so much destroying to be winners, if opponents producing rationality were not creating so many obstacles to being winners.

Corrupters assume that if they would have destroyed one object and become winners forever, they could have stopped the destroying. It's the destroying that makes them winners. It is only because of enemies who impose a standard based on rationality that the destroying has to keep going on to become winners.

Destroying is viewed as a transition to a higher state. It's like beating the rationality out of existence to achieve a higher state of existence. That means that even though any idiot could recognize that destroying an object is not a good thing, it is viewed as temporary and necessary evil for getting to the only correct state of existence; and it is only enemies who increase the demand by imposing a debased standard which they call rationality onto everyone.

Fake science and technology are an attempt to beat rationality out of existence; so those activities need to be destructive frauds to achieve a higher purpose. Who cares whether the electrical and transportation systems are destroyed, when the higher purpose is at stake.

That's why corrupters cannot be told. They assume any idiot already knows what they are being told, but their enemies cannot accept the fact that a higher state of existence needs to be produced in making corrupters winners.

Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed everyone is trying to be a winner and rationality is for fools.

The Reaganites had the purpose of producing "a new normal." One of their purposes was to get rid of 80 years of liberalism gone awry. That means destroying the rationality that conservatives identify as liberalism.

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