The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  104

Why Fakery

June 8, 2023

Fakery is the alternative to rationality. Fakery means conflict with the laws of the universe. Yet incompetent corrupters assume fakery is superior to rationality.

That's because fakery is needed to monger power; and power is assumed to be truth, knowledge and virtue by incompetent power mongers.

Notice the mindlessness. It's noticeable in all corruption, because corruption is always self-defeating. But only by rational criteria; not by power mongering criteria. The difference is in end results.

Only rationality aligned upon the objective realities of the universe that define life and solutions to problems can produce constructive results. Corruption, by definition, cannot produce a constructive result.

That means corrupters are kidding themselves in expecting to gain something from their fakery. Yet they assume they are superior persons for knowing the value of fakery over rationality.

That process shows that corrupters lack awareness beyond the immediate. They move in a direction with no awareness of the end result. Each step looks like an improvement, while the result gets farther and farther from desired conditions.

The contradictions between the steps and results is due to the subjectivity of the personalization. That means corrupters want power and they disconnect from objective realities to get there. So acquiring power creates conflicts with the objective realities that define life and solutions to problems.

Corrupters aren't going to believe that power is not the answer to everything just because their enemies describe the philosophy. It takes mindlessness to go down the path of power mongering. So the contradiction between the steps and the result is too abstract for power mongers to grasp.

The most notable example is Reagan saying, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed everyone is trying to be a winner (power monger) and destroying rationality (explaining claims) is how to get there.

Then the Reaganites promoted that purpose as "a new normal." The methodology was to deconstruct government as so-called deregulation. Reagan said, government is the problem.

That process is a disconnect from objective reality for the purpose of mongering power (to be a winner). Humans evolved concepts of government over five thousand years or more in response to needs. The laws of the universe imposed objective realities upon humans forcing them to solve their problems through social structures. The requirements are still the same, while corrupters try to replace rationality with power mongering fakery.

Fake science and technology have the purpose of mongering power. A credible description of the purpose cannot be produced. Corrupters can never explain how the fake technology is going to remove carbon dioxide from the air; they just proclaim the result, while the nonfunctional technology increase the carbon dioxide.

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How Power Mongering Works

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