The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  113

Why Rationality


July 10, 2023

Rationality has gone the way of dinosaurs; and the result is fascism replacing democracy. No one can find the solution, because rationality is omitted in the solutions as a worsening social standard.

The problem is systemic, as evident in the media. The most visible journalism raises more questions than answers, as if information would be the ruination of man. The peripheral media has to be searched to find real information.

A large part of the problem is fear of the result of information, as if people were going to retaliate after finding out too much. But even before that trend began, power mongers overwhelmed the social order replacing social structures with power structures; and they demand an absence of rationality, because rationality exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are. Too many persons were willing to go along instead of throwing the corrupters out of power.

Rationality would have thrown the power mongers out of power. It's the only thing that would have. Instead, the social forces moved in the fraud direction, as if power were the solutions to problems and rationality were for fools.

That was the result Reaganism produced. Reagan believed in the quasi philosophy of power being the answer to everything and rationality being the problem. He said, if you have to explain, you are already a loser. That means he assumed everyone is trying to be a winner and rationality is for fools. A large part of society went along with the fraud and moved the social order in the direction of fascism overwhelming democracy.

Rationality is making relationships between realities primarily by explaining claims so people can decide for themselves instead of having fraud being imposed upon them. No explanations, no rationality. No rationality, no democracy, no constructivity, no solutions to problems and no one evaluating for themselves, as frauds overwhelm the social order. What corrupters and gullible persons don't understand is that there won't be cafes to party in after rationality is destroyed.

Rationality is instantly recognizable; and it is portrayed as some sort of evil. Explanations are vastly different than the quips that replace them. The strangest thing about the attack upon rationality is that it ever occurred. Normalcy was the evolved standard of producing rationality for several thousand years. Turning off that process is beyond strange. It's the equivalent of creating the philosophy for Nazism.

If you are too young to know what journalism looked like before the decline, which began in 1968 and became "the new normal" in 1981 with Reaganism, then look at some of that earlier journalism. It is vastly different than journalism of recent times. It consisted of explanation of concerns. The journalistic greats of that time constantly harped on the responsibility of journalists to be the protectors of truth for society. Only through rationality can truth be produced.

Rationality is how truth is produced, not through "fact checking." That's because rationality explains the related realities, so people can decide for themselves what the truth is. Deciding for someone else is never going to be what truth is, because there is no truth without meaning. It takes surrounding realities to determine the meaning of truth, not proclamations by know-nothings. Know-nothings don't know how wrong they are, because they disallow the criticism that would inform them.

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

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