The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  103

Why Recycling Fraud

May 30, 2023

Recycling couldn't be a bigger fraud by every criterion. Therefore, the reason why it is occurring is important philosophical information.

The fraud of recycling is that it wastes more resources, destroys and pollutes more environments than original products and degrades products to unusability for almost any purpose.

Recycled paper is such small texture that it can't usually be used. When it is used for toilet paper, twice as much thickness is needed to keep it from falling apart, while bulkiness makes it too expensive to handle. The processing produces more pollution than original material and costs more.

The few types of plastic that can be recycled result in aberrant materials that can seldom be used. The plastic gets chopped into small pieces to fit into shipping containers and ends up in the oceans. It isn't decay that produces the small pieces; it's the chopping process. Then fish and animals eat it.

The recycled aluminum becomes unusable for most purposes, because even small amounts of contaminants greatly change the properties of aluminum. For that reason, recycled aluminum is too hard to bend for most sheet metal purposes.

So the important question is, why is recycling so dogmatically imposed? It's the same force that drives the other frauds including renewable energy, electric vehicles, self-driving and going to Mars. So the force driving recycling tells a lot about those frauds.

The starting point of those frauds is that rational persons wouldn't touch those subjects with a ten foot pole. That means corrupters have those subjects all to themselves, while they cannot compete where the demands of rationality exist.

Then corrupters pretend that their imposing the frauds onto everyone means they love life more than anyone else, which is used as proof of their superiority over rational persons. Heck with the waste, fraud and abuse, when incompetent corrupters can accomplish that much.

The net effect is to muster the power of numbers by getting all corrupters oriented around the fake cause, while sanctifying corruption by pretending to have more constructive motives than their opponents. It's the only reason why conservative males oppose abortions, when they are a bunch of misogynists who don't care what happens to women. It sanctifies their corruptness. If men had abortions, you would never have heard of the subject.

Greenhouse Gas Fraud

Renewable Energy Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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