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The Mystery Of Absurdities

July 24, 2023

There is no explanation for absurdities, such as corrupters getting realities from "echo chambers" of like-minded persons in conflict with obvious realities. If such persons would have entered the echo chambers with an element of reality, they would see contradictions. When they don't see the contradictions it means they do not have related realities in their heads.

It isn't that corrupters acquire the wrong realities; it's that they don't acquire realities. There is a method of going through life without acquiring realities, because substitute realities are easy to acquire.

Picking up realities without meaning is how the process works. Such realities are highly fluid and strewn with contradictions. That means realities serve a different purpose than determining how things are in objective terms.

Corrupters use realities as tools for exploitation rather than knowledge that explains existence. Exploitation means mongering power to gain advantage over other persons.

Measuring realities for their value in mongering power is vastly different from evaluating the meaning of realities. One of the major differences is that there are no consistent relationships between realities, which eliminates any concept of contradictions. Instead, the usefulness of realities is determined in terms of other like-minded persons agreeing and generating the power of numbers.

That's why corrupters assume they can wish realities into existence. If realities are no more than agreements, then getting other persons to agree accomplishes the task. To get others to agree, the realities need to be shaped and aligned for purposes. Such realities have no relationship to the objective realities aligned upon the universe which defines life and solutions to problems.

Trying to orient power around Trump as a source of power for corrupters requires alignment upon Trump's wizardry in accomplishing something with absurdities. And it means alignment of negative realities upon opponents. So attack enemies with absurdities and build up insiders with absurdities to generate power with no relationship to objective realities.

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