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Missing Methodology


June 16, 2023

Corruption is not in conclusions; corruption is in the method by which conclusions are produced. It is primarily the absence of rationality as explanations of claims that produces corruption.

Science requires objective measurements. No measurements; no science.

The same is true of all claims. Rationality requires evidence as explanations. No explanations; no rationality; no respectability.

Yet there are no explanations where corruption exists. Fascism took over the human society in that way. Corrupters imposed claims onto society with no explanations which would allow people to decide for themselves.

Einstein never produced an iota of science. He never made a single measurement and never spent any time in a laboratory in his own words. So why is he assumed to be a scientist?

Einstein claimed E=mc², which means the energy in matter is proportional to the velocity of light (c) squared. Why square velocity? Velocity is squared in the erroneous equation for kinetic energy, which is KE=mv². But I show simple and unquestionable mathematical proof that kinetic energy is not mv²; it is simply momentum, mv.

On that basis, fusion reactions are assumed to produce humongous amounts of energy. Unsquare the velocity of light and the result is next to nothing.

The velocity of light is 3 x 108 meters per second. Squaring the velocity of light results in 9 x 1016 m/s. The difference is 3 x 108 times as much energy when velocity is squared.

If the expectation were to produce a one gigawatt fusion reactor based on Einstein's equation (E=mc²), the real result would be 1 x 109 divided by 3 x 108, which is 3.3 watts—about the energy of a flashlight.

That's why physicists can't detect the resulting energy when producing fusion reactions. They seem to be getting fusion based on the flash of light, but no significant energy. Increasing the energy input, which is all they do anymore, isn't going to get more energy out, when the fusion reaction is already occurring.

Supposedly, theoretical physics has explanations in complex math. It's total fraud. The math is total fakery with no proper definition of terms or procedures. On top of that, all energy analysis goes back to Joule's experiment which was total fraud and not published in a valid manner, which is why my mathematics proves it to be wrong.

Know-nothings say renewable energy is "on par with coal"—no explanation. It could mean anything.

The only justification for self-driving is that it reduces accidents. By what criteria? No explanations. Why endless focus on careful driving and driver's education? Because awareness is important in driving.

Computers have no awareness. The result shows endless accidents due to preposterous failures with self-driving, such as hitting emergency vehicles, because flashing lights are too vague and numerous to be evaluated by computers.

Another problem that can't be solved with self-driving is graded braking. It takes evaluation to do graded braking to determine how fast reduction in speed is occurring. It's not a fixed and predictable result because of endless variables including friction, inertia and changing circumstances.

Why does the public want to be railroaded by such frauds? Because power is supposedly truth, knowledge and virtue. There are no explanations or evidence in acquiring or using power. To align upon power, which means trashing rationality, is corruption.

Joule's Experiment

Opposition to Ordered Existence

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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