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Nonsensical Fixing


June 8, 2023

It seems that the more ignorant anyone is the more certain they are that they can solve everyone's problems. The result is endless fixing that wouldn't fix a thing if it were possible.

Planet Earth could sustain 50 billion people easier than it is sustaining 8 billion, if resources were developed instead of squandered. But not by the method of fixing that shows up constantly in the media.

Creating meat in vats is beyond insane. Anyone who has taken a chemistry course should know that humans are never going to compete with nature in producing sophisticated and efficient metabolism. ATP production, for example, gets somewhere near 95% efficiency due to the porphyrin ring which required about a billion years to evolve. Almost nothing humans do gets more than about 40% efficiency with usual results around 25%.

Then the idiots are never going to get rid of byproducts and waste anywhere near as efficient as livestock manure which normally improves soil. Of course it contaminates the environment under human conditions, but vats aren't going to eliminate that problem, when it would be so much easier to fix at the level of proper livestock management.

We are told GMOs are needed to solve the nutrition problem for some indescribable reason, often claiming improvements in yield. No GMO product has ever had the purpose of improving yield. The purpose of GMO corn and soybeans is to allow weed spraying to be more effective and reduce labor.

Yield is always sacrificed in human meddling with DNA, because nature spends tens of millions of years balancing hundreds of thousands of reactions for maximizing yields. Any alteration reduces yields.

The point is, only total idiots get into the promotion of fixing. Rational persons are more aware of the limitations.

So I claim planet Earth could sustain 50 billion persons. That's not fixing; it's philosophical criticism. The "could" is never going to be an actual process. It's a material limitation that is never going to be approached due to corruption.

Improving is on a totally different planet than fixing. Improving involves a process, not an idiotic news article. There are scientific and technological processes to improving, which require a lot of research and development.

But even then, trying to hire experts to do the fixing never works, because incompetents will be the first to show up and promise unworkable solutions. The incompetents don't care about results, because they are hung up on their personal problems in the area of incompetence and will tell anyone anything they want to hear for employment.

For that reason, the improving and real gains are only produced by persons who know what needs to be done and take it upon themselves to get it done. Steve Jobs was shoved out of the company he created, until it went bankrupt and let him back in. Under those terms, he created the smart phone. He only had a few months of college education, which allowed him to disconnect from the power structures which prevent significant improvements from being made.

Private inventors have to do their own patenting, manufacturing and selling. Businesses will not have anything to do with them. Most basically, businesses cannot view the work of private inventors as their own. They cannot incorporate outside results into their processes. And jealousy always develops against outsiders.

Going to Mars couldn't be a crazier idea. There is enough known about Mars to know there is no reason for humans to go there. So why the big plans for going to Mars? Because the process is the purpose, not the result. The process of fixing glamorizes incompetent corrupters. Fraud is required to do that, because there is no wrong way to produce fraud.

Which, of course, is why renewable energy, electric vehicles and self-driving are imposed upon society with no criticism allowed. Those frauds ran aground long ago but are still glamorized as the answer to everything. There are no explanations with the fraud; it's just fact because frauds say so.

50 Billion People

The Porphyrin Ring

ATP Production

Renewable Energy Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

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