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Science Errors
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The Problem With Climate Change


October 19, 2021

The first problem with climate change is that it is all encompassing. Nothing in laws of nature are. It's grotesque journalism to promote an all-encompassing cause. It's unimaginable why the public wants to be harangued so dogmatically.

Nothing can be the cause of hot and cold, wet and dry at the same time. If there really was such a thing as greenhouse gases, their real characteristics could be defined to limit the claims. But since there is no such thing, unlimited contrivance is not countered by facts.

Every weather effect and many unrelated effects are attributed to climate change by journalists. No public outcry is visible. It's no different from any form of decadent politics under fascist conditions. Why did the Germans want to be harangued by Nazis claiming to represent a fake Arian race? The social conditions are the same for climate change as the formative years of Nazism.

Science doesn't have those characteristics. Science doesn't create a social force. The obvious purpose is to overwhelm the social order. Stripping rationality from the social order is fascism. It wasn't called fascism in earlier human history, because simple societies fought over material objects, where complex societies fight over methods of social control.

In other words, climate change is no different than the Arian race. It's a social take-over under the guise of science. Corrupters just love a pseudo-scientific pretense. It's a method of burying rationality in overwhelming nonsense, so incompetent corrupters can hijack the social order and run our lives into the ground.

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