The Sociology
Of Corruption
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Sociology Of Corruption  101

The Ethic Of Winning

Sociology 101

May 23, 2023

Corrupters assume that being winners is the purpose of life. Reagan said, if you need to explain, you are already a loser. He assumed everyone is trying to be a winner and rationality is for fools. Rationality requires explaining claims.

Winning means prevailing over other persons, which is domination. It is the same as mongering power. There is no right way to prevail over other persons; so there is no right way to become a winner or monger power. Corrupters don't know that.

Corrupters assume winning is the same thing as producing results; so everything was produced by winners. Yet to be winners, they need to destroy other persons, products and processes. So corrupters blend all concepts together and assume a little bit of destructivity produces a lot of constructivity—sort like an automobile puts some smog in the air to create transportation. Nothing is perfect.

Except that the concepts don't mix. People don't create transportation by putting smog in the air. Yet corrupters become winners by dominating other persons, which prevents people from functioning constructively.

Corrupters are obsessed with their personal problems. They assume, if they could prevail against other persons, it would solve their problems. It takes criminality to prevail against others, because people cannot function constructively when being dominated by corrupters.

Rationality is the process of determining relationships between realities to align upon the objective realities of the universe which define life and solutions to problems. It doesn't happen by accident. Knowledge, science and social structures are required to align upon the requirements of the universe for sustaining human life.

Winning is antithetical to rationality, because personal power is not a relationship to objective reality. When aligning upon objective realities of the universe, the persons disappear as sources of reality. Disappearing is not what winning means.

The act of dominating persons creates a cat fight between persons, ultimately requiring wars to succeed. Rationality hasn't been succeeding, as incompetent corrupters pushed their way into everything and converted social structures into power structures for their personal gain at everyone else's expense.

Corrupters prevailed in turning democratic government into fascism, because demagoguery prevailed in politics. Conservatives recently made sure they would never lose another election by creating Jim Crow laws to prevent the lower classes from voting.

Winning eventually results in Nazism in the attempts to prevail, because incompetent corrupters feel threatened by social complexities which place demands upon them. Gassing the worthless eaters reduces the social complexities to simple forms which winners can manage.

The Nature Of Demagoguery

The March To Fascism

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



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