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Transformer Efficiency


The claim is that high voltage transformers get 90-98% efficiency. Under operating conditions, it would be 70-80% efficiency.

Electrical energy has recently become a public concern due to the claims that renewable energy is going to replace other sources of energy and be used for transportation. Along with public concerns, the propaganda level has exploded on electrical energy. A large part of the reason why propaganda develops is because know-nothings embellish a subject every time they touch it, and they believe each others claims. So fakery grows like an ameba. The worst of it is that propagandists do not allow criticism, so the result becomes increasing fraud over time.

It's true that high voltage transformers can get up to 98% efficiency, but doing so requires super conductors cooled close to absolute zero. They aren't practical for industrial purposes. Efficiency could be cranked up to 90% or higher at normal temperatures by increasing voltage to absurd levels. Since watts equal volts times amps, increasing voltage allows lower amps for the same wattage. Only the amps create heat as inefficiency.

But here is why no power grid would use more than 70-80% efficiency in their transformers: To reduce wasted energy by half at the same voltage, the amount of amperage must be reduced by half, which requires twice as much wire for the same amount of energy. That means two transformers instead of one. But why not just increase the voltage and keep the amperage the same. That's exactly what energy companies do. And they end up with millions of volts on long transmission lines, which have to go through transformers to get up and down in voltage.

So, at whatever level of voltage is connected to a transformer, there has to be two transformers to get 90% efficiency for every one transformer at 80% efficiency. The company is going to use half as many transformers by settling for 80% efficiency instead of 90% efficiency.

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