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July 27, 2023

"I do believe carbon dioxide needs to increase." "I do believe carbon dioxide needs to increase."

Use of coal is the best way to increase carbon dioxide. There is enough coal for more than a century, until safe nuclear-sourced energy can be produced. The heavy metals are already being removed from coal, which makes coal the cheapest way to produce electricity and save the plants.

There is a serious shortage of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere due to oceans absorbing it and tying it up as calcium carbonate and limestone. The process cannot be stopped; it can only be temporarily mitigated. That's because oceans are always saturated with calcium; and calcium attaches to carbon dioxide creating a precipitate and resulting solid form.

There was five times as much carbon dioxide in the air during dinosaur years and fifteen times as much when animal life began at the time of "the Cambrian explosion of life" 543 million years ago. For 220 million years after the Cambrian explosion, until 325 mya, carbon dioxide was removed from the atmosphere by the oceans endangering all biological life. In the nick of time, the carbon dioxide increased due to volcanoes forming and adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.

CO2 graph

But the volcanoes died down during dinosaur years due to the tectonic plates getting so thick that lava could not easily get to the surface; and the CO2 in the atmosphere has been diminishing ever since due to the oceans constantly absorbing it and precipitating it as a solid.

Conifer Trees evolved 300 million years ago, when there was very little CO2 in the air. They used needly leaves to maximize surface area for absorbing CO2. The broad-leafs evolved during dinosaur years, when there was plenty of CO2 in the air; so they used wide leaves to maximize sunshine absorption.

Greenhouse operators add three to five times as much CO2 to the air to promote plant growth. Any number of studies have shown that the CO2 level in the atmosphere is so low that it is inhibiting good plant growth.

When coal is being used to generate electricity in an unencumbered manner, the price is about 4¢ per kilowatt hour. When about 5% of electricity is produced by so-called renewables as solar and wind power, the price is about 5 times that amount. When 15% of electricity is produced by so-called renewables, the price is about 10 times that amount.

No one can add more than 15% renewables as solar and wind power to electrical systems due to fluctuations which are too rapid and extreme for back-up systems. On top of that, renewables as solar and wind do not really increase the electrical energy of a system, because they subtract more energy than they add.

A large windmill takes about three times as much energy to produce as it generates. The larger the windmills, the less efficient they are, while they have been getting absurdly large.

Nowhere in the analysis is the impossibility of producing transmission lines for renewables been considered or discussed. That's because transmission lines would be impossible to produce for large-scale and independent sources from solar and wind power. The length of transmission lines would need to be about 6,000 times as much as presently exists, while there has been a shortage for a long time due to the extreme expense, environmental damage and shortage of metals for increasing transmission lines.

With fossil fuels providing the energy, those sources were moved to cities to eliminate transmission lines. With solar and wind power, the locations would need to be hundreds and sometimes thousands of mile from consumers.

The problem is then compounded in distributing the electricity to charging stations for electric vehicles. Transmission lines would need to follow the highways to get where gas stations used to be. Those lines would need to be overhead and high voltage to transfer the needed energy, as only low voltage lines can go underground.

That's why the charging stations don't exist after twenty years of promoting the fraud. There is no way to get the electricity distributed to the charging stations and not enough copper on planet Earth to do so.

Propaganda and fake numbers have been the only results, while no significant improvements have been made in 15 years for electric vehicles. The reason why electric vehicles are not being bought is the reason why they never will be bought by average persons. The only persons buying the junk are rich persons who use them as their second or third vehicles and promoters of a cause. That's because the problems cannot be solved and no significant progress is being made.

What the propagandists are misrepresenting more than anything is the ungodly waste and inefficiency of electrical systems in their attempts to convince gullible persons that electricity is like magic in eliminating all problems and being next to free. The opposite is the truth.

Electricity loses 60% or more every time it is touched under consumer conditions; and it is mauled many times with such loss before being applied to a purpose. A natural gas generator loses 60% going from fossil fuel to electricity. The natural gas can be used directly in internal combustion engines with no loss before entering the motor and getting the same efficiency as electric motors. Natural gas is needed for many other purposes and should not be wasted replacing coal with no real advantage.

After the generator creates electricity out of some source such as wind or sunshine, the electrons need to go through lines and transformers losing a large part of the energy. Long transmission lines have 50% loss built in to reduce the overwhelming cost of metal in lines and towers. To reduce the loss from 50% to 25% would require twice as many lines and towers.

Then transformers are needed in several places. Medium level transformers lose about 50% of the energy that goes through them. Adding up the losses, 70 to 90% of the energy in electricity is lost before being applied to a purpose. Fossil fuels lose none of that energy being applied directly to a purpose. Fossil fuels are moved to cities to eliminate transmission lines and reduce transformers, while renewables must be located hundreds or thousands of miles from consumers.

Carbon Dioxide Fraud

CO2 Graph

Windmill Efficiency

Fake Electric Motor Efficiency

How Power Mongering Works

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Invalid Measurements
Absorption Without Emission
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Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
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