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Incompetents In Physics


June 25, 2023

Incompetents turned physics into a power mongering fraud in place of real science due to the highly abstract subject matter which made measurements difficult to produce. The first blatant fraud was Joule's supposed measurement of 1845. There hasn't been an iota of correct physics produced since. (Joule's Constant)

Just like incompetent power mongers everywhere, incompetents in physics see absurdities as their ticket to success. That's because absurdities give them a simplistic and open ended path to follow, where rationality is complex and demanding.

So when physicists saw carbon dioxide absorbing radiation in a test tube more than a century ago, they assume it must be heating the atmosphere. They totally missed the quantitative element of the subject which says one molecule in 2,500 isn't going to have the slightest influence upon the atmosphere no matter what its temperature is or what it does.

And worst of all, the absurd starting point became the basis for endless absurdities extending from it including renewable energy and electric vehicles. It was the absurdities that generated power for incompetents.

Absurdities are that way. They can be used as weapons against rationality in generating power. Just as Trump and sycophants need the big lie of the election being stolen, incompetents in physics need big lies to overwhelm the rationality that exposes them as the incompetent corrupters that they are.

With renewable energy and electric vehicles, incompetents become the lords of science and technology. If they destroy energy and transportation systems in the process, their power increases in pretending to be heroically and magically working on the solutions of the future which can never be reached in loving the kids and pets more than anyone else.

The whole concept of electric vehicles is stupidity. The reason why most persons are reluctant to buy them at this time will always be the reason for not buying them. Those problems are not solvable. No significant progress has been made in ten or fifteen years beyond lying.

Metaphorically, trying to store a large amount of energy in batteries is like trying to store the ocean in water tanks. Batteries are not up to that task. But most persons assume they will be some day. That's scientific stupidity. The miss is a mile and no real progress is being made and can't possibly be made. Electrons will always need to be surrounded by too much mass; and they will always produce too much heat when in motion for large scale purposes. (Heat is energy lost which reduces efficiency.)

Another factor being missed is scale. There is six times as much energy being used as fossil fuels as electricity. Multiplying electricity by a factor of six is absurd. Assuming those numbers can be multiplied through wizardry is stupidity.

Electricity is by far the most wasteful and polluting form of energy, while the public has been convinced of the opposite. Promoters talk as if electricity were virtually free, unlimited and nonpolluting.

Consider the problems in producing electricity. There never will be an electric generator that gets more than 40% efficiency due to laws of physics. A gas motor has the same efficiency limitations at 40%, though the result under operating conditions will be about 25% efficiency. But the electric motor loses energy in three place—generating, transferring and transforming—where the gas motor only loses energy significantly in one place—the transformation in the motor.

Generating electricity is vastly more expensive than producing petroleum. A natural gas generator starts with petroleum and loses at least 60% of the energy in the transformation. An ultra-large windmill costs three times as much to construct as its energy is worth, because the larger the windmill, the less efficient it gets, while they have been getting humongous. (Windmill Efficiency)

The promoters of renewable energy skip over the extremely limited supply and difficulty of concentrating the extremely dilute forms of energy. Concentrating dilute energy is extremely expensive, which means polluting and wasteful of resources.

Renewables also require very long transmission lines where 50% loss is built in for the purpose of reducing the expensive metal. Producing the expensive metals takes huge amounts of energy along with related pollution. To electrify transportation would require thousands of times as many miles of transmission lines as presently exist, while no one can afford to even double the lines due to the extreme expense and environmental damage.

Then bureaucrats claim electric motors get 96% efficiency and on that basis electric vehicles get 100 to 150 miles per gallon equivalent. Anyone who assumes electric motors get 96% efficiency isn't qualified to clean a doghouse. Anyone who has turned on a light switch should know that electric motors have fans with them to get rid of the heat as wasted energy.

No electric motor can get more than 40% efficiency due to laws of physics, and they produce about 25% efficiency in electric vehicles. When adding up all of the loss from source to motion, electric vehicles get 5-10 miles per gallon equivalent, not 100-150.

Know-nothings used to say, charging an electric vehicle is so much cheaper than a tank of gas that it shows how wonderful electricity is. That was before expenses began in converting to renewables and creating charging stations. Now, as the project is just getting started, charging is becoming more expensive than a tank of gas.

At first, electric vehicles were exploiting a system designed for toasters. Converting that process to electrifying transportation is so ridiculous that it shows what a bunch of incompetent frauds promote the subject.

Where the 96% efficiency came from is someone used the resistive load as the only loss of energy in an electric motor. The resistive load is the heat produced in the copper wires. Omitted is the inductive load which transforms the electrical energy into kinetic energy. That transformation can never be more than 40% efficient due to laws of physics. (Fake Efficiency)

The incompetence, ignorance and fraud are destroying economies, environments and resources. There isn't enough metal on planet Earth to electrify transportation.

Lawyers and politicians are incapable of evaluating the complexities of science and technology. They have to go by the prevailing realities in society. That's why President Johnson once said, you convinced me; now go out and make me do it.

Journalists are supposed to do the investigating that determines who is producing the truth. Instead, they are shaping the frauds in society. Fact checking is one of their methods of doing so. It is a method of eliminating the responsibilities for explaining claims as required for rationality.

Reneable Energy Fraud

Electric Vehicle Fraud

Carbon Dioxide Fraud

How Power Mongering Works

What Corruption Is      TOP     



Radiative Transfer Equations
Invalid Measurements
Absorption Without Emission
Quotes By Incompetents
Firing Scientists
Other Factors
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant
Joule's Constant
Nuclear Fusion
Quantum Mechanics
ATP Theory
Fossil Fuels
Electricity Problem
Renewable Energy
Electric Vehicles
Fake Efficiency
Windmill Efficiency
Artificial Intelligence
Gravity Waves
Water Origins
Helicopter On Mars
Peer Review
Evolution Biology



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